平台自我优待行为是平台在大数据、算法等加持下的新型垄断行为,自我优待不同于传统企业的垄断行为,该行为有着更为隐蔽且难以界定难以取证等特点。虽然说是新型垄断行为,但是其对经济秩序、市场竞争破坏却不容小觑。近年来,随着数字经济的发展,平台自我优待行为层出不穷,对平台自我优待行为的研究迫在眉睫。鉴于此,本文将从平台自我优待为切口,探索分析我国企业平台自我优待规制现状,并在新修订的《反垄断法》体系下,结合新修订的具体条文,分析了我国目前在规制平台自我优待行为的困境,例如难以认定自我优待的界限、缺乏体系规制框架、未建立有效的事前监管机制等,同时通过比较法的研究,为完善规制平台自我优待行为提供了一定的建议。Platform self-preferential behavior is a new type of monopolistic behavior facilitated by big data, algorithms, and other technologies. Unlike the monopolistic practices of traditional enterprises, self-preferential behavior is more covert, harder to define, and difficult to obtain evidence for. Although it is a new form of monopolistic behavior, its detrimental impact on economic order and market competition cannot be underestimated. In recent years, with the development of the digital economy, platform self-preferential behavior has been emerging frequently, making research on this issue urgent. In light of this, this paper will use platform self-preferential behavior as a focal point to explore and analyze the current state of regulation of such behavior by enterprises in China. Under the newly revised “Anti-Monopoly Law”, and by examining the specific new provisions, this paper analyzes the current challenges in regulating platform self-preferential behavior in China, such as the difficulty in defining the boundaries of self-preferential behavior and the lack of a systematic regulatory framework. Additionally, through comparative legal research, t