目前我国正在面临人口老龄化的压力,近年来随着人口老龄化的加快及居民不健康生活方式的流行,心血管疾病呈逐年上升趋势,而心力衰竭(heart failure, HF)是心血管病的主要死因,2022年发表的中国心血管健康与疾病报告显示我国HF病人约为890万,这一数字几乎是2018年的2倍,可见我国HF患者的增速之快。对于HF患者除了常规的药物治疗外,大量研究表明,心脏康复尤其是运动康复可以使心力衰竭患者获益。运动康复作为心脏康复的基石,可以显著改善慢性心衰患者的运动耐力,提高生活质量,改善抑郁情绪,显著降低再住院率,并改善患者的预后,因此针对慢性稳定性心力衰竭患者开展以运动为核心的心脏康复越来越被各级医院重视。本文就目前慢性心力衰竭患者的心脏运动康复发展现状进行综述,以期在一定程度上为推动我国心脏康复的发展提供帮助。At present, China is facing the pressure of an aging population. In recent years, with the acceleration of population aging and the prevalence of unhealthy lifestyles among residents, cardiovascular diseases have been on the rise year by year. Heart failure (HF) is the main cause of cardiovascular disease death. The 2022 China Cardiovascular Health and Disease Report showed that the number of HF patients in China is about 8.9 million, which is almost twice that of 2018, indicating the rapid growth rate of HF patients in China. For HF patients, in addition to conventional drug treatment, a large number of studies have shown that cardiac rehabilitation, especially exercise rehabilitation, can benefit heart failure patients. Sports rehabilitation, as the cornerstone of cardiac rehabilitation, can significantly improve the exercise endurance, quality of life, depression, significantly reduce readmission rates, and improve the prognosis of patients with chronic stable heart failure. Therefore, sports centered cardiac rehabilitation for patients with chronic