The present study examines the thermal distribution of ternary nanofluid flow amid two spinning disks influenced by electric and magnetic fields. Keeping in view the shape of the particles, the electrically conducting ternary nanofluid is analyzed with variable thermophysical features. Three types of nanoparticles namely Copper, Aluminum Oxide, and Graphene with spherical, cylindrical, and platelet shapes are taken respectively and are immersed in a (50-50)% ratio of water and ethylene glycol mixture which acts as a base fluid. The anticipated problem is addressed by employing a reliable and user-friendly numerical bvp4c built-in collocation scheme. This solution is then showcased through illustrations and tables. Strengthening the radiation results in an enhanced heat transfer rate. Radial and azimuthal velocities once rotation of disks is enhanced. The key findings provide a strong theoretical background in photovoltaic cells, solar collectors, radiators, solar water heaters, and many other applications.
In this study,we have analyzedfluid mobility and thermal transport of the SiO_(2)/kerosene nanofluid within two rotating stretchable disks.The top disk is simulated to be oscil-lating with a periodic velocity and squeezing continuously the nanofluid within a porous me-dium and making thefluid toflow perpendicularly to the situated magneticfield.Thermal radiation effects are considered in the heat transfer model.The non-linear(NL)PDEs that describe the nanofluid mobility structure and thermal transport are transformed into system of NL-ODEs by introducing adequately suitable non-dimensional variables after which the NL-ODEs were numerically solved via spectral quasi-linearization method(SQLM)on over-lapping grids.The consequences of several pertinent parameters of the model on pressure,tem-perature,velocity,skin drag coefficient and thermal transport rate are examined and elucidated in detail with the aid offigures and tables.It was found that theflow structure with prescribing conditions develops negative pressure situation which has vast applications in modern day medical engineering,especially in the construction of air pressure stabilizers used in medical isolation and wound therapy physiology.
本文给出了修正q-Szász-Kantorovich算子在复空间的定义,参照Gal S G等人在文献[10]的方法,研究了当q>1时修正q-Szász-Kantorovich算子在紧圆盘对解析函数的逼近性质,获得了Voronovskaja结果,并给出其精确估计,丰富了修正q-Szász-Kantorovich算子在复空间的逼近性质.
In this study,we examine the effects of various shapes of nanoparticles in a steady flow of hybrid nanofluids between two stretchable rotating disks.The steady flow of hybrid nanofluids with transformer oil as the base fluid and Fe_(3)O_(4)+TiO_(2)as the hybrid nanofluid is considered.Several shapes of Fe_(3)O_(4)+TiO_(2)hybrid nanofluids,including sphere,brick,blade,cylinder,and platelet,are studied.Every shape exists in the same volume of a nanoparticle.The leading equations(partial differential equations(PDEs))are transformed to the nonlinear ordinary differential equations(ODEs)with the help of similarity transformations.The system of equations takes the form of ODEs depending on the boundary conditions,whose solutions are computed numerically by the bvp4c MATLAB solver.The outputs are compared with the previous findings,and an intriguing pattern is discovered,such that the tangential velocity is increased for the rotation parameter,while it is decreased by the stretching values because of the lower disk.For the reaction rate parameter,the concentration boundary layer becomes shorter,and the activation energy component increases the rate at which mass transfers come to the higher disk but have the opposite effect on the bottom disk.The ranges of various parameters taken into account are Pr=6.2,Re=2,M=1.0,φ_(1)=φ_(2)=0.03,K=0.5,S=-0.1,Br=0.3,Sc=2.0,α_(1)=0.2,γ=0.1,E_(n)=2.0,and q=1.0,and the rotation factor K is within the range of 0 to 1.
We have collected a catalog of 1095 debris disks with properties and classification(resolved,planet,gas)information.From the catalog,we defined a less biased sample with 612 objects and presented the distributions of their stellar and disk properties to search for correlations between disks and stars.We found debris disks were widely distributed from B to M-type stars while planets were mostly found around solar-type stars,gases were easier to detect around early-type stars and resolved disks were mostly distributed from A to G-type stars.The fractional luminosity dropped off with stellar age and planets were mostly found around old stars while gas-detected disks were much younger.The dust temperature of both one-belt systems and cold components in two-belt systems increased with distance while decreasing with stellar age.In addition,we defined a less biased planet sample with 211 stars with debris disks but no planets and 35 stars with debris disks and planets and found the stars with debris disks and planets had higher metallicities than stars with debris disks but no planets.Among the 35 stars with debris disks and planets,we found the stars with disks and cool Jupiters were widely distributed with age from 10 Myr to 10 Gyr and metallicity from-1.56 to 0.28 while the other three groups tended to be old(>4Gyr)and metal-rich(>-0.3).In addition,the eccentricities of cool Jupiters are distributed from 0 to 0.932,wider than the other three types of planets(<0.3).