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RebL1 is required for macronuclear structure stability and gametogenesis in Tetrahymena thermophila
Histone modification and nucleosome assembly play important roles in chromatin-related processes.Histone chaperones form different complexes and coordinate histone transportation and assembly.Various histone chaperone complexes have been identified in different organisms.The ciliate protozoa(ciliates)have various chromatin structures and different nuclear morphology.However,histone chaperone components and functions of different subunits remain unclear in ciliates.Tet-rahymema thermophila contains a transcriptionally active macronucleus(MAC)and a transcriptionally inactive micronu-cleus(MIC)which exhibit multiple replication and various chromatin remodeling progresses during vegetative growth and sexual developmental stages.Here,we found histone chaperone RebL1 not only localized evenly in the transcriptionally active MAC but also dynamically changed in the MIC during vegetative growth and sexual developmental stages.REBL1 knockdown inhibited cellular proliferation.The macronuclear morphology became bigger in growing mutants.The abnormal macronuclear structure also occurred in the starvation stage.Furthermore,micronuclear meiosis was disturbed during sexual development,leading to a failure to generate new gametic nuclei.RebL1 potentially interacted with various factors involved in histone-modifying complexes and chromatin remodeling complexes in different developmental stages.REBL1 knockdown affected expression levels of the genes involved in chromatin organization and transcription.Taken together,RebL1 plays a vital role in maintaining macronuclear structure stability and gametogenesis in T.thermophila.
Huijuan HaoYinjie LianChenhui RenSitong YangMin ZhaoTao BoJing XuWei Wang
GametesOmics:A Comprehensive Multi-omics Database for Exploring the Gametogenesis in Humans and Mice
Gametogenesis plays an important role in the reproduction and evolution of species.The transcriptomic and epigenetic alterations in this process can influence the reproductive capacity,fertilization,and embryonic development.The rapidly increasing single-cell studies have provided valuable multi-omics resources.However,data from different layers and sequencing platforms have not been uniformed and integrated,which greatly limits their use for exploring the molecular mechanisms that underlie oogenesis and spermatogenesis.Here,we develop GametesOmics,a comprehensive database that integrates the data of gene expression,DNA methylation,and chromatin accessibility during oogenesis and spermatogenesis in humans and mice.GametesOmics provides a user-friendly website and various tools,including Search and Advanced Search for querying the expression and epigenetic modification(s)of each gene;Tools with Differentially expressed gene(DEG)analysis for identifying DEGs,Correlation analysis for demonstrating the genetic and epigenetic changes,Visualization for displaying single-cell clusters and screening marker genes as well as master transcription factors(TFs),and MethylView for studying the genomic distribution of epigenetic modifications.GametesOmics also provides Genome Browser and Ortholog for tracking and comparing gene expression,DNA methylation,and chromatin accessibility between humans and mice.GametesOmics offers a comprehensive resource for biologists and clinicians to decipher the cell fate transition in germ cell development,and can be accessed at http://gametesomics.cn/.
Jianting AnJing WangSiming KongShi SongWei ChenPeng YuanQilong HeYidong ChenYe LiYi YangWei WangRong LiLiying YanZhiqiang YanJie Qiao
砂引草属(Messerschmidia L.)在紫草科(Boraginaceae Juss.)分类系统里位置不稳定,为更好地理解砂引草属的分类学位置,利用常规石蜡制片技术结合光学显微镜观察了砂引草(Messerschmidia sibirica L.)的大小孢子发生及雌雄配子体发育特征。结果如下:(1)花药4室,成熟花药壁由表皮、药室内壁、1层中层和绒毡层共4层细胞构成,双子叶型花药壁发育类型,分泌型绒毡层,成熟绒毡层细胞含2核,表皮宿存,药室内壁不规则2层,具纤维性加厚;(2)小孢子母细胞减数分裂过程中胞质分裂为同时型,小孢子四分体四面体型排列,成熟花粉粒为2-细胞型;(3)胚珠倒生,单珠被,珠孔狭长,具珠被绒毡层,假厚珠心,部分珠心组织宿存至成熟胚囊时期;(4)胚囊发育类型为蓼型,成熟胚囊梭形,极核在受精前融合,反足细胞退化早。砂引草胚胎学特征与天芥菜属(Heliotropium)其他种类胚胎学特征十分相似,稍有不同,鉴于胚胎学特征在属内较为稳定,支持分子系统中将砂引草属置于天芥菜属的分类学处理。
目的:湖南报春苣苔(Primulina hunanensis)为我国特有的极具观赏价值的岩溶洞穴野生植物,具耐荫、耐贫瘠等特性,但其自然分布范围狭窄、野生种群规模小。胚胎发育是植物生活史中的关键环节,研究湖南报春苣苔的胚胎发育特征,为苦苣苔科(Gesneriaceae)植物的栽培育种提供新思路。方法:以湖南报春苣苔为材料,运用经典石蜡切片技术,对大、小孢子发生及雌、雄配子体发育过程进行解剖学观察。结果:湖南报春苣苔花药4室,花药壁由外到内依次为表皮、药室内壁、中层和腺质型绒毡层;小孢子母细胞减数分裂时的胞质分裂为同时型,四分体偶为交叉(十字)形,多为四面体形,花粉为二细胞型;倒生胚珠,单珠被,薄珠心,胚囊发育方式为蓼型。湖南报春苣苔花粉粒发育不同步,存在花粉败育、雌雄配子体异熟现象。结论:研究为报春苣苔属(Primulina)植物积累了基础的胚胎学资料,对于揭示苦苣苔科植物生殖机制及改良植物繁殖育种方式具有重要意义。
Spindle-E is essential for gametogenesis in the silkworm, Bombyx mori被引量:1
As a defense mechanism against transposable elements,the PIWI-interacting RNA(piRNA)pathway maintains genomic integrity and ensures proper gametogenesis in gonads.Numerous factors are orchestrated to ensure normal operation of the piRNA pathway.Spindle-E(Spn-E)gene was one of the first genes shown to participate in the piRNA pathway.In this study,we performed functional analysis of Spn-E in the model lepidopteran insect,Bombyx mori.Unlike the germline-specific expression pattern observed in Drosophila and mouse,BmSpn-E was ubiquitously expressed in all tissues tested,and it was highly expressed in gonads.Immunofluorescent staining showed that BmSpn-E was localized in both germ cells and somatic cells in ovary and was expressed in spermatocytes in testis.We used a binary transgenic CRISPR/Cas9 system to construct BmSpn-E mutants.Loss of BmSpn-E expression caused derepression of transposons in gonads.We also found that mutant gonads were much smaller than wild-type gonads and that the number of germ cells was considerably lower in mutant gonads.Quantitative real-time PCR analysis and TUNEL staining revealed that apoptosis was greatly enhanced in mutant gonads.Further,we found that the BmSpn-E mutation impacted gonadal development and gametogenesis at the early larval stage.In summary,our data provided the first evidence that BmSpn-E plays vital roles in gonadal development and gametogenesis in B.mori.
Kai ChenXu YangDehong YangYongping Huang
Modelling in vitro gametogenesis using induced pluripotent stem cells:a review
In vitro gametogenesis(IVG)has been a topic of great interest in recent years not only because it allows for further exploration of mechanisms of germ cell development,but also because of its prospect for innovative medical applications especially for the treatment of infertility.Elucidation of the mechanisms underlying gamete development in vivo has inspired scientists to attempt to recapitulate the entire process of gametogenesis in vitro.While earlier studies have established IVG methods largely using pluripotent stem cells of embryonic origin,the scarcity of sources for these cells and the ethical issues involved in their use are serious limitations to the progress of IVG research especially in humans.However,with the emergence of induced pluripotent stem cells(iPSCs)due to the revolutionary discovery of dedifferentiation and reprogramming factors,IVG research has progressed remarkably in the last decade.This paper extensively reviews developments in IVG using iPSCs.First,the paper presents key concepts from groundwork studies on IVG including earlier researches demonstrating that IVG methods using embryonic stem cells(ESCs)also apply when using iPSCs.Techniques for the derivation of iPSCs are briefly discussed,highlighting the importance of generating transgene-free iPSCs with a high capacity for germline transmission to improve efficacy when used for IVG.The main part of the paper discusses recent advances in IVG research using iPSCs in various stages of gametogenesis.In addition,current clinical applications of IVG are presented,and potential future applications are discussed.Although IVG is still faced with many challenges in terms of technical issues,as well as efficacy and safety,novel IVG methodologies are emerging,and IVG using iPSCs may usher in the next era of reproductive medicine sooner than expected.This raises both ethical and social concerns and calls for the scientific community to cautiously develop IVG technology to ensure it is not only efficacious but also safe and adheres to social and et
Maria Victoria Romualdez‑Tan
囊果草(Leontice incerta Pall.)为生长于天山北坡荒漠和低山山坡的小檗科(Berberidaceae)多年生早春开花植物,具有较高的观赏价值、饲用价值和生态价值,为探究该物种的有性生殖特征,并为后续进行栽培育种等工作提供理论依据,作者利用光学显微镜和石蜡制片技术,对该物种大/小孢子发生和雌/雄配子体发育进行了观察。结果表明,(1)花药具4室,药壁由5层细胞组成,发育为基本型。药室内壁在发育后期具纤维状加厚现象;腺质型绒毡层具2核或多核现象。(2)小孢子母细胞减数分裂时胞质分裂为同时型;小孢子四分体为四面体型,被胼胝质壁所包围,游离小孢子形成后胼胝质壁逐渐消失。成熟花粉多为2细胞型,偶见3细胞型。(3)雌蕊由1心皮组成,子房1室,倒生胚珠,具双珠被,厚珠心。大孢子四分体呈线形排列,最终发育为7细胞8核的蓼型胚囊,助细胞具发达的漏斗形丝状器。这些特点说明,囊果草大/小孢子发生和雌/雄配子体发育正常,未见败育现象,表现出较原始的发育特征。研究结果丰富了小檗科植物的胚胎学资料,为该物种及其近缘物种的生殖生物学研究积累了理论基础。


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研究主题:GIS 半导体激光器 混沌同步 水印 虚实融合
研究主题:枇杷 基因 植物分子生物学 三倍体枇杷 编码蛋白质
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研究主题:枇杷 多倍体 染色体 植物分子生物学 基因