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New phenylbutenoids and terpene glycosides from Ginkgo biloba leaves
Our continued works on the chemical constituents of Ginkgo biloba(G.biloba)leaves has led to the isolation of two novel phenylbutenoids(1,2),along with five previously unidentified terpene glycosides(3−7).Among them,compounds 1 and 2 represent unique(Z)-phenylbutenoids,3−6 are megastigmane glycosides,and 7 is identified as a rare bilobanone glycoside(Fig.1).This study marks the first reported isolation of phenylbutenoid and bilobanone glycoside from G.biloba.The chemical structures of these compounds were elucidated through extensive spectroscopic analysis,including HR-ESI-MS and various 1D and 2D NMR experiments.Furthermore,the absolute configurations of these molecules were determined using Mosher’s method,ECD experiments,and Cu-KαX-ray crystallographic analyses.
SUN ZeshiLIN ShanWU Zhi-LiDONG Hong-YuanXU Xi-KeLI Hui-LiangWANG Jinxin
【目的】研究成年雌雄银杏(Ginkgo biloba)大树形态和生理指标与其温度适应的相关性,探究银杏对温度变化的响应机制及其性别差异【方法】通过对累年年均降水量为990~1200 mm,累年年均气温为9.8、14.4、16.3、18.0和19.8℃的5个不同地区的同龄成年实生银杏大树生长指标、解剖结构和代谢产物含量进行分析,探究雌雄银杏在野外条件下对温度变化的响应。【结果】在适生条件下,随年均气温的升高,银杏叶面积、树高和胸径逐渐增加,净光合速率随之提高,萜内酯和聚戊烯醇含量逐渐增加,但总黄酮、多酚、多糖和可溶性糖含量却有所降低,表明一定程度的升温有利于银杏的生长和光合作用,提高萜内酯和聚戊烯醇等主要代谢产物的含量,但不利于抗氧化代谢产物的积累。同地区雄株银杏树高、叶面积、总黄酮、多酚、多糖和可溶性糖含量均显著高于雌株。【结论】自然条件下,银杏会根据不同的温度条件来调整自身形态特征、光合作用效率和代谢产物的含量来保证个体的正常生长,累年年均气温16.3~18.0℃是最适宜银杏生长的环境温度。银杏对气温的适应存在性别差异,雄株能更好地适应环境变化。
Anti-atherosclerotic effects and molecular targets of ginkgolide B from Ginkgo biloba
Bioactive compounds derived from herbal medicinal plants modulate various therapeutic targets and signaling pathways associated with cardiovascular diseases(CVDs),the world’s primary cause of death.Ginkgo biloba,a well-known traditional Chinese medicine with notable cardiovascular actions,has been used as a cardio-and cerebrovascular therapeutic drug and nutraceutical in Asian countries for centuries.Preclinical studies have shown that ginkgolide B,a bioactive component in Ginkgo biloba,can ameliorate atherosclerosis in cultured vascular cells and disease models.Of clinical relevance,several clinical trials are ongoing or being completed to examine the efficacy and safety of ginkgolide B-related drug preparations in the prevention of cerebrovascular diseases,such as ischemia stroke.Here,we present a comprehensive review of the pharmacological activities,pharmacokinetic characteristics,and mechanisms of action of ginkgolide B in atherosclerosis prevention and therapy.We highlight new molecular targets of ginkgolide B,including nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate oxidases(NADPH oxidase),lectin-like oxidized LDL receptor-1(LOX-1),sirtuin 1(SIRT1),platelet-activating factor(PAF),proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9(PCSK9)and others.Finally,we provide an overview and discussion of the therapeutic potential of ginkgolide B and highlight the future perspective of developing ginkgolide B as an effective therapeutic agent for treating atherosclerosis.
Weile YeJiaojiao WangPeter JLittleJiami ZouZhihua ZhengJing LuYanjun YinHao LiuDongmei ZhangPeiqing LiuSuowen XuWencai YeZhiping Liu
目的建立银杏叶及其提取物中33种禁用农药残留的分析方法,并开展风险评估研究。方法采用液相色谱-串联质谱法及气相色谱-串联质谱法对136批银杏叶及58批银杏叶提取物进行检测,采用点评估方式计算样品中农药残留的急性和慢性摄入风险,采用英国兽药残留风险排序矩阵计算各农药的风险得分。结果136批银杏叶中共检出6种禁用农药,总检出率为35.29%,农药检出量为0.002~0.210 mg·kg^(-1);检出农药的慢性膳食摄入风险为0.018%~0.620%,急性膳食摄入风险为0.0001%~0.0140%,表明银杏叶中农药的膳食暴露风险处于较低水平。58批银杏叶提取物中共检出2种禁用农药,检出率为55.17%,农药检出量为0.002~1.788 mg·kg^(-1);检出农药的慢性膳食摄入风险为0.003%~0.143%,急性膳食摄入风险为0.0024%,其膳食暴露风险也处于较低水平。风险排序结果表明,银杏叶中甲拌磷风险最高,应在生产和安全监管中重点关注。结论该方法准确,重复性好,可用于银杏叶及其提取物中33种禁用农药的检测。测定结果显示,银杏叶及其提取物中禁用农药残留量极低,无重大健康风险。
Effects of a Cocktail Supplement of Ginkgo Biloba and Acai Extract on Cognitive Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease
Parkinson’s Disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by motor and non-motor symptoms, including cognitive impairment. Current treatments often involve synthetic drugs with significant side effects and potential for dependency. This study investigates the effects of a natural supplement combination of Ginkgo Biloba and Acai Extract on cognitive symptoms in a 77-year-old male with PD. The participant underwent a three-month supplementation regimen, with cognitive function assessed using the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) test before and after the intervention. The results indicated an improvement in cognitive scores, suggesting that the combination of Ginkgo Biloba and Acai Extract may offer a promising alternative or adjunct to conventional PD treatments. This study highlights the potential of natural supplements in managing PD symptoms and calls for further research with larger sample sizes to confirm these findings. Human data was performed in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki by the Roxbury District IRB Board (IRB Number: IRB00011767).
Yulia Dubrovensky
The Effect of Ginkgo Biloba Leaf Dropping Pill Combined with Butylphthalide Capsule on Cognitive Dysfunction in Patients after Acute Ischemic Stroke and Its Impact on Serum Cytokines
Objective: To investigate the therapeutic effect of Ginkgo biloba extract dropping pills combined with butylphthalide capsules on cognitive dysfunction in patients after acute ischemic stroke (AIS) and its impact on serum cytokines CRP, IL-6, and Hcy. Methods: This study selected 76 patients with cognitive dysfunction after ischemic stroke who were hospitalized at Zhuji People’s Hospital from January 2023 to January 2024. The patients were divided into two groups. The control group was treated with butylphthalide capsules, while the combination group received Ginkgo biloba extract dropping pills in addition to the treatment given to the control group. The neurological function, cognitive function, activities of daily living, and levels of serum cytokines CRP, IL-6, and Hcy were compared between the two groups after 1 month and 3 months of treatment. Results: The NIHSS scores, MMSE scores, ADL scores, and levels of CRP, IL-6, and Hcy in both groups showed statistically significant differences compared to before treatment (P Conclusion: The combination of Ginkgo biloba extract dropping pills and butylphthalide capsules has a better therapeutic effect on cognitive dysfunction in patients after ischemic stroke. It can improve the neurological function and cognitive function of patients, enhance their ability to perform daily activities, and reduce inflammatory responses.
Yaojie CaiYuping HeGang YangYan Chen
Pleiotropic attenuating effect of Ginkgo biloba against isoprenalineinduced myocardial infarction via improving Bcl-2/mTOR/ERK1/2/Na^(+) , K^(+) -ATPase activities
Objective:Myocardial infarction(MI)is linked to an imbalance in the supply and demand of blood oxygen in the heart muscles.Beta-blockers and calcium antagonists are just two of the common medications used to treat MI.However,these have reportedly been shown to be either ineffective or to have undesirable side effects.Extract of Ginkgo biloba leaves(GBE),a Chinese herbal product offers special compatibility benefits in therapeutic settings relating to inflammatory diseases and oxidative stress.In order to better understand how GBE affects MI in rats insulted by isoprenaline(ISO),the current study was designed.Methods:The heart weight index,serum lipid profile,cardiac marker enzymes,endogenous antioxidants[catalase(CAT),superoxide dismutase(SOD),glutathione(GSH),nitrites and malondialdehyde(MDA)],inflammatory mediators[tumour necrosis factor alpha(TNF-a)and interleukin-6(IL-6)],immunohistochemical expressions of B-cell lymphoma factor-2(Bcl-2),extracellular signal-regulated kinase(ERK1/2),and mammalian target of rapamycin(mTOR)and histopathological analysis were used to assess the cardioprotective properties of GBE.Results:The findings showed that GBE effectively attenuated myocardial infarction by boosting the body’s natural antioxidant defense system and reducing the release of inflammatory cytokines as well as heart injury marker enzymes.The expression of Bcl-2,ERK1/2 and mTOR was increased while the histomorphological alterations were reversed.Conclusion:The cardioprotective effects of GBE may be due to a mechanism involving increased Bcl-2/mTOR/ERK1/2/Na^(+),K^(+)-ATPase activity.
Jerome Ndudi AsiweAbodunrin Adebayo OjetolaNwoke Enekabokom EkeneEsthinsheen OsirimAnthony Chibuzor NnamudiBenjamin OritsemuelebiJackson Erozueme OnueluNicholas AsiweHarrison Ogheneochuko EruotorSaviour Inegbenehi
为了掌握银杏外种皮厌氧消化的产气规律和潜力,考察其作为沼气发酵原料的可行性,本试验采用全混合批量式发酵装置,在厌氧活性污泥浓度为50%、发酵温度为中温(36±1)℃的条件下,对银杏外种皮的厌氧消化特性进行了探究。结果表明:银杏外种皮的产气周期为18 d,累积产气量为1 885 mL,累积产甲烷量为480 mL,产甲烷量占整个产气量的25.46%;银杏外种皮的TS产气率和产甲烷率分别为421 mL/g和107 mL/g,VS产气率和产甲烷率分别为635 mL/g和161 mL/g。由此得出,用银杏外种皮作发酵原料,虽然TS、VS产气率较高,但所产气体中甲烷含量较低,主要是由于银杏外种皮中含有抑制沼气发酵的成分,故银杏外种皮不适宜单独进行沼气发酵。
目的通过风味分析确定花露烧酒新品中银杏果的最佳添加量。方法采用固相微萃取-气相色谱-质谱法(solid phase microexteaction-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry,SPME-GC-MS)和感官评价技术测定比较了不同银杏果添加量的花露烧酒的挥发性风味成分。结果共鉴定出52种挥发性风味成分,各样品中香气成分的种类和含量有明显差异;经与糯米混合发酵后,银杏果中青草风味成分如壬醛、正己醛等显著下降或未检出;采用主成分分析法得出银杏花露烧酒香气与苯乙醇、正己酸乙酯、乙酸异戊酯、庚酸乙酯、戊酸乙酯等风味成分有关。由感官分析可知银杏果添加量为25%的花露烧酒样品C整体感官品质最佳,尤其是香气方面,产生了令人愉悦的正己酸乙酯、乙酸异戊酯等风味成分。结论添加25%银杏果的花露烧酒的风味较好,为传统特色产品花露烧酒的创新提供了新思路,对银杏花露烧酒的风味控制提供了理论依据。


研究主题:银杏 黄酮 愈伤组织 盾壳霉 GINKGO
研究主题:银杏 愈伤组织 黄酮 GINKGO 植酸
研究主题:银杏 转录因子 构树 基因克隆 银杏叶片
研究主题:琼花 芍药 银杏 胚珠 传粉生物学
研究主题:银杏 银杏叶 落羽杉 溶剂 喜树