搜索到17526篇“ SALINE“的相关文章
Stochastic Simulation of Saline Intrusion in the Coastal Aquifer of Saloum, Senegal
In the Saloum region of central-western Senegal, water needs are essentially met by tapping an underground aquifer associated with the sandy-clay formations of the Continental Terminal, in contact with both the ocean to the west and the highly saline waters of the Saloum River to the north. In this estuarine and deltaic zone with its very low relief, the hydraulic loads in the water tables are generally close to zero or even negative, creating a reversal of the natural flow and encouraging saline intrusion into this system, which makes it very vulnerable. This study concerns the implementation of a numerical model of saline intrusion to provide a better understanding of the vulnerability of the water table by analyzing the variability of the freshwater/saltwater interface. The Modflow-2005 code is used to simulate saline intrusion using the SWI2 module, coupled with the GRASS (Geographic Resources Analysis Support System) software under the Linux operating system with the steep interface approach. The probable expansion of the wedge is studied in three scenarios, taking into account its position relative to the bedrock at 1 m, 5 m and 10 m. Simulations carried out under imposed potential and river conditions, based on variations in groundwater reserves using two effective porosity values, 10−1 and 10−2, show that the water table is highly vulnerable in the northwest sector. The probable expansion of the wedge increases as the storage coefficient decreases and is more marked with river conditions in the areas surrounding the Saloum River, reaching 6 km with a probability of 1. The probability of the wedge reaching a certain degree of expansion decreases from 1 to 0.5, and then cancels out as it moves inland. The probable position of the wedge is limited to 500 m or even 1 km depending on the corner around the coast to the southwest and in the southern zone. This modelling, carried out under natural conditions, will be developed further, taking into account climatic parameters and pumping from wells and borehol
Seyni NdoyeAmadou SarrMathieu Le CozCheikh Becaye GayeMoumtaz RazackPhilippe Le Coustumer
Results of an Eight Year Long Practice of Saline Bipolar Transurethral Resection of Prostate
Background: Open prostatectomy has long been the only prostatic bladder outlet obstruction’s surgery available in Benin. It is prone to postoperative bleeding and infections and is not suitable for prostate cancer-induced bladder outlet obstruction. Objective: To evaluate the first results of endoscopic surgery of prostatic bladder outlet obstruction in our environment. Patients and Method: We conducted an observational study of saline bipolar transurethral resection of prostate (B-TURP) at the former Military Teaching Hospital of Cotonou. We retrospectively collected the data from patients’ medical records from November 17, 2014, to September 7, 2022. We used Excel 2019 to make a descriptive analysis of the data. Results: Saline B-TURP was performed in 60 consecutive patients. Their mean age was 69.1 years (range: 48-85). The procedure was indicated in 22 (36.7%), 32 (53.3%), 3 (5%), and 3 (5%) patients, respectively for acute urinary retention, chronic urinary retention, obstructive renal failure, and unresponsiveness to alpha-blockers. 35 patients (58.3%) had prostate cancer (PCa). 25 patients (41.7) had benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH). No patient got a blood transfusion. The duration of postoperative hospitalization was 3 days (88.3%) to 5 days (11.7%). 5 patients (8.3%), i.e., 3 BPH and 2 prostate cancer patients got preoperative urinary tract infection. The causative bacteria were Escherichia coli in 3 patients (60%), Klebsiella pneumoniae in 2 patients (40%), and multi-resistant Acinetobacter as a metachronous infection to Escherichia coli in 1 patient (20%). All the infections were associated with indwelling Foley catheter. 7 patients (11.7%), i.e., 3 BPH and 4 prostate cancer patients, got a second resection to recover full spontaneous micturition. Prostate size was available in the medical record of 21 BPH patients and 15 prostate cancer patients. Prostate size ranged from 22 to 123 g with a mean value of 61.1 g in BPH patients, and from 34 to 180 g with a mean value of 82.8 g in prostate cancer p
Sossa JeanMangoue Moube Ariane LandryYevi Dodji Inès MagloireHodonou FredAvakoudjo Déjinnin Josué Georges
旨在探明滨海盐碱地大田条件下籼粳杂交稻产量优势形成特征。2021—2022年,在江苏省滨海盐碱地择取中度盐碱地(medium saline-alkali soil,MS,土壤电导率平均2.7 dSm^(-1))和重度盐碱地(high saline-alkali soil,HS,土壤电导率平均7.2 dSm^(-1))两类典型田块,以籼粳杂交稻(甬优2640和甬优4949)、常规粳稻(南粳9108和淮稻5号)、杂交籼稻(丰优香占和Y两优372)3种类型水稻品种为试材,探究实地条件下盐胁迫对不同类型品种产量及其形成特征的影响。与中度盐碱地相比:(1)重度盐碱地下各类型品种的穗数、每穗粒数、结实率和千粒重均显著低于中度盐碱地。中度和重度盐碱地下,籼粳杂交稻的产量均显著高于常规粳稻和杂交籼稻,这主要是由于其较高的每穗粒数。(2)重度盐碱地下各类型品种关键生育期(拔节、抽穗和成熟期)的群体茎蘖数及茎蘖成穗率均显著下降。中度和重度盐碱地下,常规粳稻和杂交籼稻关键生育期的群体茎蘖数及茎蘖成穗率均高于籼粳杂交稻。(3)重度盐碱地下各类型品种关键生育期的干物重均显著下降。中度及重度盐碱地下,籼粳杂交稻抽穗期和成熟期干物重、拔节期—抽穗期和抽穗—成熟期作物生长速率均显著高于常规粳稻和杂交籼稻。重度盐碱地下各类型品种的收获指数呈上升趋势。籼粳杂交稻在重度盐碱地下的收获指数高于常规粳稻和杂交籼稻。(4)重度盐碱地下各类型品种关键生育期的叶面积指数、播种期—拔节期、拔节期—抽穗期和抽穗期—成熟期光合势均显著下降。中度和重度盐碱地下,籼粳杂交稻成熟期叶面积指数和抽穗期—成熟期光合势均显著高于常规粳稻和杂交籼稻,抽穗期—成熟期叶面积指数衰减率则呈相反趋势。(5)重度盐碱地下各类型品种株高、上三叶叶长和叶宽、叶片SPAD值和光合速率均显著下降。中度和重度盐碱地下,籼粳�
Effect of Saline Water on Soil Acidity, Alkalinity and Nutrients Leaching in Sandy Loamy Soil in Rwamagana Bella Flower Farm, Rwanda
The necessity to saline and sodic waters is sometimes used for irrigating agricultural activities under certain circumstances, but it is important to note that the use of these waters comes with specific considerations and limitations. One way to decrease undesirable effects of sodic waters on the physical and chemical properties of soils is to apply organic and chemical amendments within the soil. This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of saline water on soil acidity, alkalinity and nutrients leaching in sandy loamy soil at Bella flower farm, in Rwamagana District, Rwanda. The water used was from the Muhazi Lake which is classified as Class I (Saline water quality). Column leaching experiments using treated soils were then conducted under saturated conditions. The soil under experimental was first analyzed for its textural classification, soil properties and is classified as sandy loamy soil. The t-test was taken at 1%, 5% and 10% levels of statistical significance compared to control soil. The results indicated that the application of saline water to soils caused an increase in some soil nutrients like increase of Phosphorus (P), Potassium (K+), Magnesium (Mg2+), Sulphur (S), CN ratio and Sodium (Na+) and decreased soil texture, physical and chemical properties and remained soil nutrients. Consequently, the intensive addition of saline water leachates to soil in PVC pipes led to decreased of soil EC through leaching and a raiser Soluble Sodium Percentage (SSP). The rate of saline water application affected the increase accumulation of SAR and Na% in the top soil layers. The study indicated that saline water is an inefficient amendment for sandy soil with saline water irrigation. The study recommends further studies with similar topic with saline water irrigation, as it accentuated the alkalinity levels.
Abel MwubahamanWali Umaru GarbaHussein BizimanaJean de Dieu BazimenyeraEric Derrick BugenimanaJean Nepomuscene Nsengiyumva
为统一和精准判定耐盐作物种植地块的土壤盐渍化程度,并针对饱和泥浆制备时饱和点的不确定性及其电导率测定的不稳定性等问题,本试验采用室内化验与统计分析方法,系统研究饱和泥浆与饱和土壤溶液两者间含水量和电导率的响应关系,以及饱和泥浆电导率、全盐含量与土水比1∶0.5、1∶1、1∶2.5、1∶3.5、1∶5土壤浸提液电导率与全盐含量的响应和换算关系。结果表明:在滨海黏质盐渍土区,利用计算田间土壤孔隙度得到的饱和土壤溶液含水量、电导率不能直接代替饱和泥浆含水量、电导率,尽管二者的响应关系达到极显著水平;饱和泥浆电导率、全盐含量分别与土水比1∶1和1∶0.5土壤浸提液的数值差异最小,且与土水比1∶0.5~1∶5间各处理土壤浸提液的相应指标均呈极显著的响应关系;饱和泥浆电导率与土水比1∶5土壤浸提液的电导率、饱和泥浆全盐含量与土水比1∶1土壤浸提液全盐含量相关性最高,可分别用最佳拟合线性模型进行换算,模型分别为ECe(mS/cm)=5.406EC1∶5-0.284 4,TSe(g/kg)=0.836 4TS1∶1-0.135 9。
以黄河三角洲轻中度盐碱地典型分布区(山东省黄河三角洲农业高新技术示范区,以下简称黄三角农高区)为研究区域,于2021年10月采用网格布点法,对该区域土壤进行野外采样调查,利用地统计学和结构方程模型等方法,探究不同土层有机质含量的空间变异规律与影响因素,以期为轻中度盐碱地土壤资源合理利用提供参考。结果表明,黄三角农高区土壤有机质含量[0~20 cm土层为(15.85±5.69) g/kg;20~40 cm土层为(11.51±4.32) g/kg]属于4级,整体呈现中等变异。20~40 cm土层有机质含量的空间相关和自相关性高于0~20 cm土层。有机质含量与土壤粉粒含量和黏粒含量均呈显著正相关,与含盐量呈显著负相关。东部滨海地区有机质含量低于中部地区,呈现耕地>林地>荒地的趋势,人为利用(耕地、林地)提升了土壤有机质含量。离海距离对土壤有机质含量有直接影响,较高的pH值和粉黏比是影响土壤有机质积累的重要因素。本研究明确了黄三角农高区不同土层土壤有机质分布格局,揭示了土地利用类型对有机质含量的影响以及土壤有机质积累的限制因素,可为该区轻中度盐碱地农业生产规划提供参考。
中国是世界第三大盐碱土国家,90%以上为内陆盐碱地,可利用耐盐碱水稻种植的盐碱地约1 000万hm^(2),加强耐盐碱水稻的研发对确保中国粮食安全具有重要的战略意义。较系统地介绍了中国盐碱地分类、水稻盐碱逆境伤害特征、耐盐碱水稻种质资源评价与创新利用、国内外耐盐碱水稻品种选育、耐盐碱水稻栽培管理与盐碱地土壤修复、水稻耐盐碱机理等方面的研究进展;提出了耐盐碱水稻的发展策略,即通过耐盐碱水稻种质资源创新、充分利用耐盐碱水稻杂种优势与分子技术培育耐盐碱力强的水稻品种,集成水稻盐碱地土壤改良和高产栽培技术,在中国盐碱地可种植区域打造“第二粮仓”,服务于国家粮食安全战略需求。
为筛选适宜盐碱地条件下应用的根瘤菌菌株,本研究选择安达市采取土样,以大豆品种满仓金和绥农53作为宿主,对根瘤菌进行分离与纯化,筛选出两株具有典型根瘤菌表型特征的菌株,随后,对这些菌株进行16S rDNA测序分析,最终成功分离出2个根瘤菌菌株,并将它们命名为an28和an44。分别在各自捕获宿主上进行结瘤试验,来确定an28和an44的结瘤特征。抗生素抗性鉴定结果表明,an44对浓度20μg·mL^(-1)的红霉素(ERY)和浓度100μg·mL^(-1)的羧苄青霉素(CAR)具有抗性,an28对浓度50μg·mL^(-1)的ERY具有抗性。耐盐性鉴定结果表明,an28可以在NaCl浓度为600 mmol·L^(-1)的TY固体培养基上正常生长;而an44最高只能在NaCl浓度为200 mmol·L^(-1)时生长。耐碱性鉴定结果表明,an28可以在pH11.9的TY固体培养基上正常生长,而an44的碱性生长环境只能达到pH9.9。然后又分别在8种耐盐碱大豆种质(庆特4号、铁丰8号、牛眼睛、黑珍珠、齐农5号、合丰50、黑河49和黑农531)和2份不耐盐碱大豆品种(锦农5号和双宝8号)上分别接种2株根瘤菌进行结瘤鉴定,结果表明接种根瘤菌an28和an44在10个大豆种质上的结瘤数目变化范围分别为2.00~8.67和5.67~35.67个·株-1。


研究主题:催化剂 催化燃烧 二甲醚 二氧化锰 整体式催化剂
研究主题:荧光探针 阿尔茨海默症 Β-淀粉样蛋白 铜离子 不对称氢转移
研究主题:铝合金 残余应力 高速列车 激光 力学性能
研究主题:晶体 植物 盐胁迫 CRYSTAL 导管分子
研究主题:超低温保存 叶绿素A含量 养殖水体 养殖废水 COD含量