搜索到1127篇“ SUSY“的相关文章
Smuon in the NMSSM confronted with the muon g–2 anomaly and SUSY searches
Motivated by recent supersymmetry(SUSY)search results,which prefer most SUSY particles to be heavy,and the muon g–2 anomaly,which prefers colorless SUSY particles to be light,we explore the status of a light smuon(the SUSY partner of a left-handed muon lepton)in the next-to-minimal supersymmetric standard model(NMSSM).Assuming colored SUSY particles to be heavy,and considering numerous experimental constraints,including muon g-2,SUSY searches,and dark matter,we scan the parameter space in the NMSSM with Z3-symmetry and check the status of colorless SUSY particles and their possible mass order,paying special attention to the smuon.After calculations and discussions,we find that the surviving samples can be divided into several scenarios,where the mass region and decay information of the smuon are given.Overall,the smuon mass can be approximately 0.1~1.8 TeV.These results may be useful for smuon searches at the LHC and future colliders.
Nuclear 0ν2βdecays in B-L symmetric SUSY model and in TeV scale left–right symmetric model
In this paper,we take the B-L supersymmetric standard model(B-LSSM)and TeV scale left–right symmetric model(LRSM)as two representations of the two kinds of new physics models to study the nuclear neutrinoless double beta decays(0ν2β)so as to see the senses onto these two kinds of models when the decays are taken into account additionally.Within the parameter spaces allowed by all the existing experimental data,the decay half-life of the nucleus^(76)Ge and^(136)Xe,T_(12)^(0ν)(^(76)Ge,^(136)Xe),is precisely calculated and the results are presented properly.Based on the numerical results,we conclude that there is greater room for LRSM type models than for B-LSSM type models in foreseeable future experimental observations on the decays.
Jin-Lei YangChao-Hsi ChangTai-Fu Feng
Low energy SUSY confronted with new measurements of W-boson mass and muon g-2被引量:2
The new CDF II measurement of W-boson mass shows a 7σdeviation from the standard model(SM)prediction,while the recent FNAL measurement of the muon g-2 shows a 4.2σdeviation(combined with the BNL result)from the SM.Both of them strongly indicate new physics beyond the SM.In this work,we study the implication of both measurements on low energy supersymmetry.With an extensive exploration of the parameter space of the minimal supersymmetric standard model(MSSM),we find that in the parameter space allowed by current experimental constraints from colliders and dark matter detections,the MSSM can simultaneously explain both measurements on the edge of 2σlevel,taking theoretical uncertainties into consideration.The favored parameter space,characterized by a compressed spectrum between bino,wino and stau,with the stop being around 1 TeV,may be covered in the near future LHC searches.
Jin-Min YangYang Zhang
Impact of LHC probes of SUSY and recent measurement of(g-2)_μon Z_(3)-NMSSM
It is well known that excessively heavy supersymmetric particles(sparticles)are disfavored to explain the(g−2)_(μ) anomaly,but some people overlook that moderately light sparticles are also disfavored by the LHC probes of supersymmetry.We take the Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model as an example to emphasize the latter point.It is found that,if the theory is required to explain the anomaly at 2σlevel and meanwhile keep consistent with the LHC results,the following lower bounds may be set:tanβ&20,|M_(1)|&275 GeV,M_(2)&300 GeV,μ&460 GeV,m_(μL)&310 GeV,and m_(μR)&350 GeV,where M_(1)and M_(2)denote gaugino masses,μrepresents the Higgsino mass,and m_(μL)and m_(μR)are the mass of Smuons with L and R denot-ing their dominant chiral component.This observation has significant impacts on dark matter(DM)physics,e.g.,the popular Z-and Higgs-funnel regions have been excluded,and the Bino-dominated neutralino DM has to co-annihilate with the Wino-dominated electroweakinos(in most cases)and/or Smuons(in few cases)to obtain the correct density.It is also inferred that these conclusions keep valid for the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model since the underlying physics for the bounds are the same.
Junjie CaoFei LiJingwei LianYusi PanDi Zhang
A private SUSY 4HDM with FCNC in the up-sector
We present a SUSY model with four Higgs doublets of the"private type,"in which all fermion types(up,down,and charged leptons)obtain their masses from a different Higgs doublet H_f(f=u_1,d,e) .The conditions for anomaly cancellation imply that the remaining Higgs doublet of the model( H_(u_2) )must have the same hypercharge as H_(u_1) ,and thus,can only couple to up-type quarks,which opens the possibility to have FCNCs only in this sector.We study the Lagrangian of the model,and in particular,the Higgs potential,to identify the Higgs mass-eigenstates and their interactions;for the Yukawa matrices,we consider the four-texture case.We obtain constraints on the model parameters by using LHC measurements on the properties of the 125 GeV Higgs boson(h),and identify viable regions of the parameter space.Subsequently,these constraints are used to evaluate the prospects for detecting the FCNC decay mode t→ch at the future high-luminosity(HL)option for the LHC,which are compared with current limits from LHC-run2.Moreover,we evaluate the FCNC decay of the next heavier Higgs boson H_(2)→tc ,which can typically reach BR(H_2→tc)≈(10^(-4)-10^(-5)) .The search for the signal at HL-LHC is also studied,and it is found that it may be detectable for specific regions of the model parameter space.
M.A.Arroyo-UreñaLorenzo Díaz-CruzBryan O.Larios-LópezM.A.Pérez de León
【目的】探究苦荞蔗糖合酶结构与功能的关系,构建表达载体以实现SuSy基因在大肠杆菌中的表达,并经亲和层析纯化后得到重组SuSy蛋白,为进一步研究该酶的结构和功能奠定基础.【方法】以苦荞(Fagopyrum tataricum)cDNA文库中克隆得到的蔗糖合酶基因重组质粒为模板,PCR扩增得到SuSy编码序列,将其与原核生物表达载体pET28a相连接构建了重组表达载体pET28a-SuSy,经EcoRⅠ和SalⅠ双酶切及测序鉴定正确后将其转入大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli)感受态细胞BL21,经异丙基-β-D-硫代半乳糖苷诱导表达SuSy重组蛋白,并对其诱导表达条件进行优化.【结果】在37℃、1.2 mmol/L IPTG诱导10 h时,SuSy蛋白表达量最高,分子量大小约为53.4 ku,超声破碎后经SDS-PAGE检测到该蛋白以包涵体形式存在.【结论】利用Co2+亲和柱层析纯化和His-tag鉴定得到了高纯度的重组SuSy蛋白,为该酶结构与功能的研究及多克隆抗体制备奠定了基础.
SUSY and Higgs Physics at the LHC


研究主题:棉花 陆地棉 植物 罗布麻 RAPD分析
研究主题:蔗糖磷酸合成酶 棉花 光合产物 蔗糖代谢 SUSY
研究主题:水稻 粳稻 耐盐性 栽培技术 水稻品种
研究主题:棉花 棉花生长 叶面喷施 简化栽培 盐碱地棉花
研究主题:SUSY 分子生物学研究进展 光合产物 生长发育过程 蔗糖合成酶