采用中间合金法在感应熔炼炉中制备La4MgNi19-xCox(x=02)合金,研究Co部分替代Ni对合金相结构和电化学性能的影响。XRD测试结果表明:合金主要由La4MgNi19(Ce5Co19+Pr5Co19)相和LaNi5相组成;x的增加有利于促进La4MgNi19相的形成,且晶胞体积随之增大。显微组织观察发现,合金为树枝晶结构,x的增加会使树枝晶变细。电化学测试表明:合金均具有良好的活化性能和高倍率放电性能(HRD600>92.57%);随着x的增加,合金的最大放电容量明显提高(从x=0时的359.23 m A·h/g增大到x=2的380.85 m A·h/g),而循环寿命则先下降后逐渐提升。高倍率放电性能主要由合金电极的扩散系数控制,而循环稳定性的下降则是由于合金中La4MgNi19相的增加使膨胀率和晶间应力集中增大加速粉化所致。
The phase structure and electrochemical properties of La1.7+xMg1.3-x(NiCoMn)9.3(x=0-0.4) alloys were investigated. The XRD analysis reveals that the alloys consist of LaNi5 phase and other phases, such as LaMg2Ni9 phase (PuNi3 structure) and La4MgNi19 phases (Ce5Co19+Pr5Co19 structure, namely A5B19 type). With the increase of the x value, the LaMg2Ni9 phase fades away and La4MgNi19 phases appear, while the abundance of LaNi5 phase firstly increases and then decreases. At the same time, the cell volume of LaNi5 phase and LaMg2Ni9 phase decreases. The electrochemical measurement shows that alloy electrodes could be activated in 4-5 cycles, and with the increase of the x value, the maximum discharge capacity gradually increases from 330.9 mA-h/g (x=0) to 366.8 mA-h/g (x=0.4), but the high-rate dischargeability (HRD) and cyclic stability (S) decrease somewhat (x=0.4, HRD600=82.32%, S100=73.8%). It is found that the HRD is mainly controlled by the electrocatalytic activity on the alloy electrode surface, and the decline of cyclic stability is due to the appearance of A5B19 type phase with larger hydrogen storage capacity, which leads to larger volume expansion and more intercrystalline stress and then easier pulverization during charging/discharging.