针对基于拓扑服务器的路由(server routing,SR)算法在路由修复阶段存在不必要的网络开销和路径修复耗时偏长的问题,提出一种自适应快速路由修复算法(self-adaptive and fast route recovery algorithm,SFRR)。SFRR算法采用了"捎带式"发布源节点信息和自适应路由修复2种新机制,以达到降低网络开销和更快速地进行路由修复的目的。理论分析和仿真结果表明,与SR算法相比,SFRR算法减小了网络开销,缩短了路由修复的平均时间,降低了数据分组的平均端到端时延。
为了提高当前无线网络广播重传的效率,针对效用值排序(sort by utility,SBU)算法存在的搜索数据分组参与编码时效率较低的问题,提出了适用于无线单跳网络的倒序搜索网络编码(reverse search based network coding,RSNC)算法和二分搜索网络编码(binary search based network coding,BSNC)算法。通过降低因效用值之和大于接收节点数而不能编码的概率来提高搜索数据分组参与编码的效率,并且采用分组冲突检测机制(packet collision de-tection,PCD)快速地确定是否可以进行编码包生成。理论分析论证了RSNC和BSNC算法能有效地降低分组冲突概率;仿真结果表明,RSNC和BSNC与SBU算法相比,在编码增益保持不变的前提下能够有效地减少分组判断次数,提高编码搜索效率,降低数据分组的平均端到端时延。
针对基于epidemic机制的机会网络路由算法未能及时感知相遇节点以及在数据分组交换过程中存在冗余的问题,提出了一种采用跨层感知相遇节点思路的机会网络高效低时延路由算法——ERCES(epidemic routing based on cross-layer encountered-node sensing),通过在物理层、MAC层和网络层之间的跨层信息共享与协同,实现相遇节点及时感知,并且采用节点相遇后立即广播新数据分组、收到SV(summary vector)分组后优先发送目的节点为对方的数据分组、动态自适应发送HELLO分组、借助SV删除节点缓存中已到达目的节点的分组等新机制,减少控制和存储开销,降低分组时延。理论分析验证了ERCES算法的有效性,仿真结果表明:与经典的Epidemic Routing算法及其多个改进相比,ERCES算法的控制开销和存储开销分别减少8.2%和2.1%以上,数据分组平均端到端时延至少降低了11.3%。
Due to having a large bandwidth to support Gbps-level data rate, terahertz communication attracts more and more attention in recent years. However, there are few medium access control (MAC) protocols for terahertz ultra-high data-rate wireless networks, which affects the research and application of terahertz communications. To address this problem and to achieve ultra-high data-rate wireless access with terahertz communication, a novel MAC protocol, called medium access control for terahertz communication (MAC-TC), is proposed. Through designing a new channel access scheme, a new superframe structure, and related key parameters, MAC-TC can support a maximum data rate up to 10 Gbit/s even higher. Theoretical analysis and simulation results show that our proposed MAC protocol realizes the function of medium access control and attains a maximum data rate of 18.3 Gbit/s, which is 2 times higher than 5.78 Gbit/s, the theoretical maximum data rate of IEEE 802.15.3c standard.
针对认知Mesh网络中RASR路由算法存在冗余的控制开销以及选路时未考虑主用户对信道的利用率而导致路径不稳定的问题,提出一种基于主用户活跃度的认知Mesh网络路由算法——RPA(Routing based on Primary-user Activity)。RPA算法通过使用捎带式发布链路状态信息和根据主用户信道利用率选路两种新机制,增强路径稳定性、提高数据包传输的成功率、减小时延和控制开销。理论分析和仿真结果表明,与RASR算法相比,RPA在数据传送成功率、平均端到端时延和控制开销方面具有整体上更优的性能。
Adopting the borrowed address algorithm can decrease the orphan nodes in ZigBee networks that use distributed address assignment mechanism (DAAM). The existing borrowed address algorithms can increase the success rate of address assignment, but they have defects such as greater cost of overhead and time in founding network caused by breaking topology. To solve such problems, we propose an more efficient distributed borrowed address assignment algorithm based on topology maintenance (A2BTM) that has a topology maintenance function. It borrows address firstly from the offspring nodes in the same branch for the orphan nodes and replies distributed the request of the borrowed address message immediately, to maintain the network topology and decrease the overhead and time spent on the mechanism of borrowed address. Theoretical and simulation analyses manifest that AZBTM algorithm outperforms DAAM and its improved algorithms in terms of the overhead and time spent in founding network, on the premise of keeping a higher success rate of address assignment. Furthermore, A2BTM can lessen the influence from detour phenomenon efficiently.
YAO Yu-kunWANG GuanREN ZhiLI Peng-xiangCHEN Yong-chao