This experiments were conducted in Nanjing (118~50"E, 32~02"N) and Xuzhou (117~11 "E, 34~15"N), Jiangsu Province, China, to study the response of fiber quality to the N concentration of the leaf subtending boll in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Results suggested that the N dilution curve of the leaf subtending boll can accurately indicate the stage- specific plant N status for fiber development. Fiber strength is likely to be the most variable fiber quality index responding to the leaf N variation which is different in cultivars. Fiber length was the most stable index among strength, length, micronaire, and elongation. There existed an optimum leaf N concentration for fiber strength development in each stage. The optimum leaf N regression curve was very close to the N dilution curve in the middle positional fruiting branches under the 240 kg N ha-1 soil N application rate.
WANG You-huaZHAO Xin-huaCHEN Bing-linGAO Xiang-binZHOU Zhi-guo
To investigate the response of key enzymes to nitrogen (N) rates in cotton fiber and its relationship with fiber strength, experiments were conducted in 2005 and 2006 with cotton cultivars in Nanjing. Three N rates 0, 240 and 480 kgN/hm2, signifying optimum and excessive nitrogen application levels were applied.The activities and the gene expressions of the key enzymes were affected by N, and the characteristics of cellulose accumulation and fiber strength changed as the N rate varied. Beta-1,3-glucanase activity in cotton fiber declined from 9 DPA till boll opening, and the beta-1, 3-glucanase coding gene expression also followed a unimodal curve in 12—24 DPA. In 240 kgN/hm2 condition, the characteristics of enzyme activity and gene expression manner for sucrose synthase and beta-1,3-glucanase in developing cotton fiber were more favorable for forming a longer and more steady cellulose accumulation process, and for high strength fiber development.
WANG YouHua1, FENG Ying1, XU NaiYin1,2, CHEN BingLin1, MA RongHui1 & ZHOU ZhiGuo1 1 Key Laboratory of Crop Growth Regulation of the Ministry of Agriculture, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095, China