This paper reported that the Mn-doped TiO2 films were prepared by radio frequency (RF) magnetron cosputtering. X-ray diffraction measurements indicate that the samples are easy to form the futile structure, and the sizes of the crystal grains grow big and big as the Mn concentration increases. X-ray photoemlssion spectroscopy measurements and high resolution transmission electron microscope photographs confirm that the manganese ions have been effectively doped into the TiO2 crystal when the Mn concentration is lower than 21%. The magnetic property measurements show that the Ti1-xMnxO2 (x = 0.21) films are ferromagnetic at room temperature, and the saturation magnetization, coercivity, and saturation field are 16.0 emu/cm^3, 167.5 × 80 A/m and 3740 × 80 A/m at room temperature, respectively. The room-temperature ferromagnetism of the films can be attributed to the new futile Ti1-xMnxO2 structure formed by the substitution of Mn^4+ for Ti^4+ into the TiO2 crystal .lattice, and could be explained by O vacancy (Vo)-enhanced ferromagnetism model.
First-principles calculations have been performed to investigate the ground state electronic properties of BaFeO3 (BFO). Local spin density approximation (LSDA) plus U (LSDA+U) treatment modified the metallic behaviour to insulated one with a band gap of 4.12eV. The spontaneous polarization was found to be 89.3μC/cm^2 with Berry phase scheme in terms of the modern theory of polarization. Fe-3d eg were split into two singlet states (dz2 and dx2-v2), and Fe-3d t2g were split into one doublet states(dze and dyz) and one singlet states(dzy) after Fe and O displaced along the c axis. Meanwhile the occupation numbers of dx2, dxz, dyz and OT pz (on the top of Fe) were increased at the expense of those in xy plane. Our results showed that it was the sensitivity of hybridization to ferroelectric distortions, not just the total change of hybridization, that produced the possibility of ferroelectricity. Moreover, the increasing occupation numbers of OT pz and Fe dz2 favoured the 180° coupling between Fe-3d eg and Fe-3d t2g, leading to ferromagnetic ordering, which has been confirmed by the increase of magnetic moment by 0.13μB per formula unit in the polarized direction. Hence, the magnetization can be altered by the reversal of external electric field.