Nowadays,many steganographic tools have been developed,and secret messages can be imperceptibly transmitted through public networks.This paper concentrates on steganalysis against spatial least significant bit(LSB) matching,which is the prototype of many advanced information hiding methods.Many existing algorithms deal with steganalysis problems by using the dependencies between adjacent pixels.From another aspect,this paper calculates the differences among pixel pairs and proves that the histogram of difference values will be smoothed by stego noises.We calculate the difference histogram characteristic function(DHCF) and deduce that the moment of DHCFs(DHCFM) will be diminished after stego bits are hidden in the image.Accordingly,we compute the DHCFMs as the discriminative features.We calibrate the features by decreasing the influence of image content on them and train support vector machine classifiers based on the calibrated features.Experimental results demonstrate that the DHCFMs calculated with nonadjacent pixels are helpful to detect stego messages hidden by LSB matching.
针对目前尚未深入研究多视点视频编码(Multi-view Video Coding,MVC)码率控制的问题,提出了一种基于相关性分析的多视点视频编码码率控制算法。该算法的核心是先根据视差预测和运动预测的结构关系,将所有图像分成6种类型的编码帧,并改进二项式率失真模型,然后根据多视点视频相关性分析在各个视点之间进行合理的码率分配,将码率控制分成4层结构进行多视点视频编码的码率控制。其中,帧层码率控制考虑分层B帧等因素分配码率,基本单元层码率控制根据宏块的内容复杂度采用不同的量化参数。实验结果表明该码率控制算法实际码率与目标码率平均误差能控制0.6%。