Business processes described by formal or semi-formal models are realized via information systems.Event logs generated from these systems are probably not consistent with the existing models due to insufficient design of the information system or the system upgrade.By comparing an existing process model with event logs,we can detect inconsistencies called deviations,verify and extend the business process model,and accordingly improve the business process.In this paper,some abnormal activities in business processes are formally defined based on Petri nets.An efficient approach to detect deviations between the process model and event logs is proposed.Then,business process models are revised when abnormal activities exist.A clinical process in a healthcare information system is used as a case study to illustrate our work.Experimental results show the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed approach.
In recent years, the number of Web services has increased significantly. Web service discovery has drawn much attention with the development of Web service applications and big data analysis. Under this circumstance, traditional Web service discovery strategies cannot adequately meet high user requirements due to the efficiency and precision of service discovery is low. In order to improve the accuracy and efficiency of service discovery, a user requirement oriented Web service discovery approach based on Petri nets is proposed in this study. A data preprocessing strategy of Web service is first designed. Then, a service clustering method is proposed based on Petri nets, which can conduct service cluster head generation, service cluster composition, and service discovery. The proposed method utilizes a superior data preprocessing method. Using simulation experiments,the efficiency and precision of Web service discovery are illustrated. Finally, the application value of the approach on real Web service is discussed.
综述了业务过程管理(BPM,business process management)不同侧面的研究现状,阐述BPM的内容、视图及生命周期,分析BPM在过程模型建模、实施、分析和管理方面的关键技术,概括了模型实例获得、模型的可配置性、模型实例诊断及新实例产生方法等方面的研究进展。同时,对BPM与web服务和数据库管理之间的联系进行分析。最后,从过程管理的数据来源、过程模型的确定、模型与日志的一致性检查问题、模型库的管理以及仿真系统等方面展望了BPM下一步的发展方向。