The accuracy of an articulated torque analysis influences the comprehensive performances of heavy-duty multi-legged robots. Currently, the extremal estimation method and some complex methods are employed to calculate the articulated torques, which results in a large safety margin or a large number of calculations. To quickly obtain accurate articulated torques, an analysis method for the articulated torque is presented for an electrically driven heavy-duty six-legged robot. First, the rearmost leg that experiences the maximum normal contact force is confirmed when the robot transits a slope. Based on the ant-type and crab-type tripod gaits, the formulas of classical mechanics and MATLAB software are employed to theoretically analyze the relevant static torques of the joints. With the changes in the joint angles for the abductor joint, hip joint, and knee joint, variable tendency charts and extreme curves are obtained for the static articulated torques. Meanwhile, the maximum static articulated torques and the corresponding poses of the robot are also obtained. According to the poses of the robot under the maximum static articulated torques, ADAMS software is used to carry out a static simulation analysis. Based on the relevant simulation curves of the articulated torques, the maximum static articulated torques are acquired. A comparative analysis of the maximum static articulated torques shows that the theoretical calculation values are higher than the static simulation values, and the maximum error value is approximately 10%. The proposed method lays a foundation for quickly determining accurate articulated torques to develop heavy-duty six-legged robots.
Heavy-duty legged robots have been regarded as one of the important developments in the field of legged robots because of their high payload-total mass ratio,terrain adaptability,and multitasking.The problems associated with the development and use of heavy-duty legged robots have motivated researchers to conduct many important studies,covering topics related to the mechanical structure,force distribution,control strategy,energy efficiency,etc.Overall,heavy-duty legged robots have three main characteristics:greater body masses,larger body sizes,and higher payload-total mass ratios.Thus,various heavy-duty legged robots and their performances are reviewed here.This review presents the current developments with regard to heavy-duty legged robots.Also,the main characteristics of high-performance heavy-duty legged robots are determined and conclusions are drawn.Furthermore,the current research of key techniques of heavy-duty legged robots,including the mechanical structure,force distribution,control method,and power source,is described.To assess the transportation capacity of heavy-duty legged robots,performance evaluation parameters are proposed.Finally,problems that need further research are addressed.