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作品数:5 被引量:1H指数:1


  • 5篇中文期刊文章


  • 3篇电子电信
  • 3篇理学
  • 2篇机械工程


  • 1篇MULTI-...
  • 1篇ONIC
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  • 1篇2015
  • 2篇2013
  • 2篇2011
5 条 记 录,以下是 1-5
Efficient scheme for entangled states and quantum information transfer with trapped atoms in a resonator
A protocol is proposed to generate atomic entangled states and implement quantum information transfer in a cavity quantum electrodynamics system. It utilizes Raman transitions or stimulated Raman adiabatic passages between two systems to entangle the ground states of two three-state A-type atoms trapped in a single mode cavity. It does not need the measurements on cavity field nor atomic detection and can be implemented in a deterministic fashion. Since the present protocol is insensitive to both cavity decay and atomic spontaneous emission, it may have some interesting applications in quantum information processing.
Induced modification of the geometric phase of a qubit coupled to an XY spin chain by Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interaction
We consider a qubit symmetrically and transversely coupled to an XY spin chain with Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya(DM) interaction in the presence of a transverse magnetic field.An analytical expression for the geometric phase of the qubit is obtained in the weak coupling limit.We find that the modification of the geometrical phase induced by the spin chain environment is greatly enhanced by DM interaction in the weak coupling limit around the quantum phase transition point of the spin chain.
Controlling transfer of quantum correlations among bi-partitions of a composite quantum system by combining different noisy environments
The correlation dynamics are investigated for various bi-partitions of a composite quantum system consisting of two qubits and two independent and non-identical noisy environments. The two qubits have no direct interaction with each other and locally interact with their environments. Classical and quantum correlations including the entanglement are initially prepared only between the two qubits. We find that contrary to the identical noisy environment case, the quantum correlation transfer direction can be controlled by combining different noisy environments. The amplitude- damping environment determines whether there exists the entanglement transfer among bi-partitions of the system. When one qubit is coupled to an amplitude-damping environment and the other one to a bit-flip one, we find a very interesting result that all the quantum and the classical correlations, and even the entanglement, originally existing between the qubits, can be completely transferred without any loss to the qubit coupled to the bit-flit environment and the amplitude-damping environment. We also notice that it is possible to distinguish the quantum correlation from the classical correlation and the entanglement by combining different noisy environments.
Multi-level effects in the high-order harmonic generation driven by intense frequency-comb laser fields
High harmonic generation(HHG) driven by intense frequency-comb laser fields can be dramatically enhanced via multiphoton resonance by tuning the carrier-envelope phase(CEP) shift, without increasing the driving intensity. However,the multiphoton-resonant enhancement(MRE) factor in the realistic atomic hydrogen is much smaller than that in a twolevel system. To study the deviation, we present a theoretical investigation of the multiphoton resonance dynamics of three-level systems driven by intense frequency-comb laser fields. The many-mode Floquet theorem(MMFT) is employed to provide a nonperturbative and exact treatment of the interaction between the quantum system and the laser fields. The investigations show that the dipole interaction of a two-level system with the third level affects the multiphoton resonance dynamics and enhances the HHG spectra. It is the dipole interaction of the excited level of the two-level system with other levels that results in the smaller MRE factor in the realistic atomic system.
Extension of high-order harmonic cutoff frequency by synthesizing the waveform of a laser field via the optimization of classical electron trajectory in the laser field被引量:1
We theoretically investigate high-order harmonic generation by employing strong-field approximation (SFA) and present a new approach to the extension of the high-order harmonic cutoff frequency via an exploration of the dependence of high-order harmonic generation on the waveform of laser fields. The dependence is investigated via detailed analysis of the classical trajectories of the ionized electron moving in the continuum in the velocity-position plane. The classical trajectory consists of three sections (Acceleration Away, Deceleration Away, and Acceleration Back), and their relationship with the electron recollision energy is investigated. The analysis of classical trajectories indicates that, besides the final (Acceleration Back) section, the electron recollision energy also relies on the previous two sections. We simultaneously optimize the waveform in all three sections to increase the electron recollision energy, and an extension of the cutoff frequency up to Ip + 20.26Up is presented with a theoretically synthesized waveform of the laser field.