ad hoc网络中基于蚁群系统算法(ACSA)的路由协议已经被广泛地研究,但其中的大部分本质上都属于单径路由协议,使得源宿之间最短路径上的主机负担加重。另一方面,由于引入了蚂蚁的正反馈机制,使得协议本身比较差的鲁棒性受到进一步的削弱,多径路由能够更好地支持QoS。本文将ACSA和链路不相交的多径路由结合起来以解决上述问题。新提出的基于ACSA的多径QoS路由方法建立和利用多条链路不相交路径来并发发送数据,并且采用信息素来分散通信流量,因此能够适应网络的动态变化和更好的支持QoS,仿真结果表明该方法要优于其他相关的算法。
A precise localization for mobile target in wireless sensor networks is presented in this letter,where a geometrical relationship is explored to improve the location estimation for mobile target,in-stead of a simple centroid approach.The equations of location compensation algorithm for mobiletarget are derived based on linear trajectory prediction and sensor selective activation.The resultsbased on extensive simulation experiments show that the compensation algorithm gets better per-formance in metrics of quality of tracking and energy efficiency with the change of sensor sensing range,the ratio of sensing range and sensor activation range,and the data sampling rate than traditionalmethods,which means our proposing can achieve better quality-energy tradeoff for mobile target inwireless sensor networks.