选取荷木、海南红豆、肖蒲桃、红鳞蒲桃和红锥 5 种南亚热带乡土树种构建混交群落,通过 5 年人为提高 CO2 浓度和氮输入试验,研究碳-氮交互作用对南亚热带主要乡土树种及群落的生物量积累与分配的影响. 结果表明: CO2 浓度升高及氮沉降对植物生物量的积累和分配的影响因树种不同而有显著差异. CO2 浓度升高和氮沉降对豆科植物生物量积累相对提高了 49. 3%和 71. 0%,且促进了阳生植物生物量的积累; 氮沉降能显著提高偏阴生植物生物量积累,但在 CO2 浓度升高条件下,其生物量积累低于对照. CO2 浓度升高抑制了阳生植物地下生物量的分配,但促进偏阴生植物地下生物量的分配. CO2 浓度升高、氮沉降以及碳-氮交互作用对南亚热带植物群落生物量积累均具有促进作用; CO2 浓度升高促进群落地下生物量积累,氮沉降显著提高其地上部分生物量分配. 在全球变化背景下,南亚热带林业固碳树种适宜选用海南红豆和红锥.
Aims Leaf traits of trees exposed to elevated[CO_(2)]in association with other environmental factors are poorly understood in tropical and subtropical regions.Our goal was to investigate the impacts of elevated[CO_(2)]and N fertilization on leaf traits in southern China.Methods Four tree species,Schima superba Gardn.et Champ.(S.superba),Ormosia pinnata(Lour.)Merr(O.pinnata),Castanopsis hystrix AC.DC.(C.hystrix)and Acmena acuminatissima(Blume)Merr.et Perry(A.acuminatissima)were studied in a factorial combination of atmospheric[CO_(2)](ambient at~390μmol mol^(-1)and elevated[CO_(2)]at~700μmol mol^(-1))and N fertilization(ambient and ambient+100 kg N ha^(-1)year^(-1))in open-top chambers in southern China for 5 years.Leaf mass per unit leaf area(LMA),leaf nutrient concentration and photosynthesis(A_(sat))were measured.Important Findings Results indicated that leaf traits and photosynthesis were affected differently by elevated[CO_(2)]and N fertilization among species.Elevated[CO_(2)]decreased LMA in all species,while N fertilization did not affect LMA.Leaf mass-based N concentration(N_(M))was significantly greater in O.pinnata and C.hystrix grown in elevated[CO_(2)]but was lower in S.superba.Leaf mass-based P concentration(P_(M))was significantly greater in C.hystrix and A.acuminatissima exposed to elevated[CO_(2)]but was lower in S.superba.N fertilization significantly increased P_(M) in O.pinnata but decreased P_(M) in S.superba.Photosynthetic stimulation in O.pinnata,C.hystrix and A.acuminatissima was sustained after 5 years of CO_(2)fumigation.N fertilization did not modify the effects of elevated[CO_(2)]on photosynthesis.Leaf traits(N_(M),N_(A),P_(M),P_(A))and light-saturated photosynthesis were decreased from the upper to lower canopy.Canopy position did not alter the responses of leaf traits and photosynthesis to elevated[CO_(2)].Results suggest that photosynthetic stimulation by elevated[CO_(2)]in native species in subtropical regions may be sustained in the long term.