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10 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
Effect of modified starches on depression of diaspore被引量:4
Four modified starches with selected charge characteristics including cationic starch(CAS),carboxymethyl starch(CMS),amphoteric starch(AMS) and soluble starch(SS) were investigated as depressants for diaspore in reverse flotation test using cationic collector(dodecylamine).Adsorption examination,Zeta potential measurement and Fourier transform infrared(FTIR) spectroscopy were used to clarify the role of the surface charge characteristics of starches in determining the adsorption behavior and depression performance as well as the mineral-starch interaction.Results show that the positively charged starches(CAS and AMS) display higher adsorption amounts and also better depression performance compared with the non-ionic(SS) and anionic starch(CMS),benefiting from the favorable electrostatic attraction with diaspore and also electrostatic repulsion with collector.FTIR spectroscopy proves the presence of hydrogen bonds and chemical complexation between mineral and starches in an integrated manner.
采用单矿物浮选实验,接触角实验,两相、三相泡沫动态稳定性实验,研究组合药剂油酸钠(NaOL)-辛醇(OCT)对一水硬铝石浮选行为的影响规律及其作用机理。通过测定组合药剂与一水硬铝石作用前后溶液的TOC含量,分析组合药剂作用下一水硬铝石三相泡沫稳定性的原因。结果表明:在矿浆p H=7.0条件下,组合药剂与单一NaOL浮选一水硬铝石结果相比,NaOL物质的量在组合药剂总物质的量中所占的摩尔分数x(NaOL)≥40%时有利于提高一水硬铝石的浮选回收率。其中,x(NaOL)=40%和x(NaOL)=60%的组合药剂因通过形成更稳定的三相泡沫而提高一水硬铝石的浮选回收率;x(NaOL)=80%的组合药剂不仅能增强浮选泡沫稳定性,还能增大矿物表面疏水性从而提高一水硬铝石浮选回收率。
Direct AFM measurements of morphology and interaction force at solid-liquid interfaces between DTAC/CTAC and mica被引量:2
The adsorption of dedecyltrimethylammoium chloride(DTAC) and hexadecyltrimethylammoium chloride(CTAC) on muscovite mica substrates was examined using atomic force microscopy(AFM). Adsorption morphology images and interaction forces of cationic surfactants at solid-solution interfaces were measured in tapping mode and Pico Force mode, respectively. The images demonstrated that the adsorbed structure was varied by a variety of surfactant concentrations. The adsorbed layer on mica was monolayer at first, and then became bilayer. A striped adsorbed structure was observed in a higher concentration of CTAC,which could not be found in any other concentrations of DTAC. For force measurements, the repulsive force was exponentially decreasing with the concentration increasing till a net attractive force appeared. A largest attractive force could be observed at a certain concentration, which was close to the point of charge neutralization. The results also showed a significant impact of hydrocarbon chain length on adsorption. An adsorption simulation was established to give a clear understanding of the interaction between cationic surfactants and mica.
XIE ZhenJIANG HaoSUN Zhong-chengYANG Qin-hong
Effect of degree of substitution of carboxymethyl starch on diaspore depression in reverse flotation被引量:6
Carboxymethyl starchs(CMS) with low and high degrees of substitution(CMSL and CMSH in short,respectively) were employed as depressants of diaspore in cationic reverse flotation using dodecylamine(DDA) as collector.The effect of degree of substitution of CMS on its depression performance was examined and the interaction mode and behavior were investigated in a comparative manner.Micro-flotation test showed that CMSL exhibited better performance in depressing diaspore than CMSH in a broad pH range.The adsorption of CMS on diaspore was studied by adsorption test,zeta potential measurement,and atomic force microscopy.It was found that CMSH corresponds to lower adsorption amount,thinner adsorption layer,and more negative charge than CMSL,resulting from the more chelating sites brought by the high degree of substitution.The surface tension measurement and DDA adsorption test further revealed that CMSL/DDA system gives a better depressing performance benefiting from the trapping effect by enveloping some DDA molecules inside the loop chains,while CMSH/DDA system is likely considered a quasi-surfactant.
某铜铁矿深部矿石性质及组成发生了较大变化,导致在现有工艺流程下铜回收率呈波动下降,为解决这一问题,进行了工艺矿物学研究和矿石可选性研究。结果表明:阶段磨矿与中矿再磨都可以很好的提高铜矿石回收率,且效果相当。粗磨粒度为-0.074 mm粒级占69.68%,以MB与MOS-2为混合捕收剂,采用中矿集中再磨至-0.074 mm粒级占88%左右返回浮选流程,可获得含铜20.89%、金10.58 g/t、银78.84 g/t的铜精矿,铜回收率为94.97%。
Flotation and adsorption of quaternary ammonium salts collectors on kaolinite of different particle size被引量:6
The flotation behaviors of decyltrimethylammonium (103C), dodecyltrimethylammonium chloride (DTAC), tetradecyltrimethylammonium chloride (TTAC) and cetyltrimethylammonium chloride (CTAC) on kaolinite of different particle size fraction were studied. The adsorbed amount and adsorption isotherms of collectors on kaolinite were determined for painstaking investigation into the adsorption of quaternary amines at kaolinite-water interface by ultraviolet spectrophotometer methods. The flotation results show that the flotation recovery of kaolinite of different particle fraction increases with an increase in pH when 103C, DTAC, TTAC and CTAC are used as collectors. As the concentration of collectors increases, the flotation recovery increases. Particle size of kaolinite has a strong effect on flotation. The flotation recovery of fine kaolinite decreases with the carbon chain of quaternary ammonium salts collectors increasing, while coarse kaolinite is on the contrary. The adsorbed amount tests and adsorption isotherms show that adsorbed amount increases when the particle size of kaolinite increases or when the carbon chain length of quaternary ammonium salts increases. Within the range of flotation collector concentration, the longer the hydrocarbon chain, the more probable to be absolutely adsorbed by fine kaolinite particles and then the lower the collector concentration in the bulk, which leds to lower flotation recovery.
Jiang HaoLiu GuorongHu YuehuaXu LonghuaYu YawenXie ZhenChen Haochuan
通过浮选试验、Zeta电位测试、Materials Studio模拟研究了十二烷基三甲基氯化铵(DTAC)对不同粒级高岭石浮选行为影响及吸附机理.结果表明:高岭石浮选回收率随矿浆pH值升高反而下降,0.1~0.075mm粒级的高岭石在酸性pH值内回收率大于90%,而-0.045mm粒级高岭石的回收率小于10%.pH〉4时,(001)面荷负电;pH〈6时,(001)面荷正电。通过分子动力学模拟计算发现,(001)面比(001)面更易吸附DTAC分子,而端面(010)和(110)对DTAC分子的吸附能力比(001)小.
湖南某砂质高岭土中高岭石含量约为15%,脉石矿物石英约占55%,其次为长石、云母和少量黑电气石等。高岭石主要分布于-0.074mm粒级中,可用于提取高岭土;+0.074 mm粒级中主要是石英,SiO2含量在75%以上。对其中+0.074mm粒级低品位石英矿进行了选矿提纯研究。结果表明,原矿加六偏磷酸钠分散后分级,对+0.074mm粒级矿石进行高梯度磁选除铁-石英反浮选,可得到SiO2含量和回收率分别为93.67%和66.40%的石英粗精矿;浮选粗精矿再磨再选后,可得到SiO2含量和回收率分别为98.76%和41.73%的石英精矿。
Flotation and adsorption of quaternary ammonium cationic collectors on diaspore and kaolinite被引量:2
The flotation and adsorption behaviors of dodecyltrimethylammonium chloride(DTAC) and cetyltrimethylammonium chloride(CTAC) on diaspore and kaolinite were studied.Solution depletion methods were used to determine adsorption isotherms.Fluorescence probe test along with Zeta potential measurement was also conducted for further investigation into the adsorption of quaternary amines at the mineral-water interface.The results show that the flotation recovery of kaolinite decreases with an increase in pH when DTAC and CTAC are used as collectors,while diaspore is on the contrary.As the carbon chain length of the collectors increases,the flotation recoveries of minerals increase.However,the increment rate of kaolinite is significantly lower than that of diaspore.In the low surfactant concentration range,the cationic surfactants adsorb readily on diaspore surfaces just due to electrostatic interactions.As for kaolinite surfaces,ion exchange process also exists.With a further increase in surfactant concentration,the adsorption was ascribed to the hydrophobic association of chain-chain interactions.Micro-polarity of mineral surfaces study shows that CTAC has a better hydrophobic characteristic than DTAC.Larger aggregates are formed with CTAC on diaspore than on kaolinite in the same solution concentration.The results also indicate that the chain length of cationic surfactants has a greater influence on the adsorption of diaspore than on kaolinite,which is consistent with the flotation result.