研究如何利用电磁矢量传感器阵列中隐含的冗余空域信息解决多个相干极化信号源的二维波达方向(DOA)和极化参数的同时估计问题。基于整个阵列中所隐含的多个空域旋转不变结构,将组成阵列的单个或多个电磁矢量传感器单元看作一个无模糊子阵,利用空间平滑方法对阵列数据进行预处理,以恢复信号协方差矩阵的秩特性。在此基础上,利用多信号分类方法(MUSIC)和旋转不变参数估计方法(ESPRIT)完成多个相干极化信号源的二维 DOA 和极化参数的同时估计。文中还讨论了成功进行信号解相干的必要条件,并通过计算机仿真验证和比较了所给方法的有效性及其辨识能力。
A linear array of diversely polarized antennas with one pair of identical sensors is used to obtain closed-form unambiguous estimation of 2-D direction of arrival (DOA) and polarization. Spatial phase information together with weighted 3-D polarization-angular coherence structure (PACS) are first recovered with fourth-order cumulants manipulation via a new 2-D ESPRIT variant. Spatial filtering is performed to obtain the scaled PACS, from which the closed-form 2-D DOA and polarization estimates can be derived with only quadrant ambiguity involved. The undesired quadrant ambiguity can be further resolved by using the acquired estimate of spatial phase factor.