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7 条 记 录,以下是 1-7
Mapping resistant QTLs for rice sheath blight disease with a doubled haploid population被引量:3
Sheath blight(SB) disease,caused by Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn,is one of the most serious diseases causing rice(Oryza sativa L.) yield loss worldwide.A doubled haploid(DH) population was constructed from a cross between a japonica variety CJ06 and an indica variety TN1,and to analyze the quantitative trait loci(QTLs) for SB resistance under three different environments(environments 1-3).Two traits were recorded to evaluate the SB resistance,namely lesion height(LH) and disease rating(DR).Based on field evaluation of SB resistance and a genetic map constructed with 214 markers,a total of eight QTLs were identified for LH and eight QTLs for DR under three environments,respectively.The QTLs for LH were anchored on chromosomes 1,3,4,5,6,and 8,and explained 4.35-17.53%of the phenotypic variation.The SB resistance allele of qHNLH4 from TN1 decreased LH by 3.08 cm,and contributed to 17.53%of the variation at environment 1.The QTL for LH(qHZaLH8) detected on chromosome 8 in environment 2 explained 16.71%of the variation,and the resistance allele from CJ06 reduced LH by 4.4 cm.Eight QTLs for DR were identified on chromosomes 1,5,6,8,9,11,and 12 under three conditions with the explained variation from 2.0 to 11.27%.The QTL for DR(qHZaDR8),which explained variation of 11.27%,was located in the same interval as that of qHZaLH8,both QTLs were detected in environment 2.A total of six pairs of digenic epistatic loci for DR were detected in three conditions,but no epistatic locus was observed for LH.In addition,we detected 12 QTLs for plant height(PH) in three environments.None of the PH-QTLs were co-located with the SB-QTLs.The results facilitate our understanding of the genetic basis for SB resistance in rice.
ZENG Yu-xiangXIA Ling-zhiWEN Zhi-huaJI Zhi-juanZENG Da-liQIAN QianYANG Chang-deng
水稻第1染色体长臂上微效千粒重QTL qTGW1.2的验证与分解被引量:2
本文报道了水稻第1染色体长臂上微效千粒重QTL qTGW1.2的验证和分解。针对前期qTGW1.2定位结果,应用SSR标记检测,从籼籼交组合珍汕973/密阳46衍生的1个BC2F7分离群体中,筛选到杂合区间分别为RM11621-RM297和RM212-RM265的2个单株,构建了2套BC2F8:9近等基因系,将qTGW1.2进一步界定在RM212-RM265及其两侧交换区间的区域内。在此基础上,筛选出5个在目标区间内分离片段缩小且呈阶梯状排列的单株,衍生了5套BC2F10分离群体,应用Windows QTL Cartographer 2.5进行QTL分析。结果表明,每套群体均检测到千粒重QTL,加性效应为0.13~0.38 g,来自密阳46的等位基因提高千粒重;经比较各个群体的分离区间,将qTGW1.2分解为互引连锁的2个QTL,其中,qTGW1.2a位于RM11730和RM11762之间934 kb的区域内,呈加性作用,qTGW1.2b位于RM11800和RM11885之间2.1 Mb的区域内,呈正向超显性。
A New-Nipponbare Rice Germplasm with High Seed-Setting Rate
Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is an important crop providing staple food for more than half the world's population and also considered as a model plant for molecular biological study of the cereals. In 1998, the large-scale sequencing of japonica rice cultivar Nipponbare (bred at Aichi Agricultural Center in Japan and released in 1963) was initiated by International Rice Genome Sequencing Project (IRGSP) and the high-quality draft of genome was announced in 2002 (Goff et al,, 2002). Owing to its easy genetic transformation and released whole genome sequencing data, Nipponbare is widely used in functional genomic research (Piffanelli et al., 2007; Luan et al., 2008; Hu et al., 2010; Thang et al., 2010; Tabuchi et al., 2011; Zhang et al., 2011; Jiang et al., 2012; Lu et al.. 2013).
Jiang HuGuojun DongYunxia FangYuchun RaoJie XuDawei XueHaiping YuChangwei GeZhenyuan ShiJiangjie PanLi ZhuDali ZengGuangheng ZhangLongbiao GuoQian Qian
【目的】检测与水稻产量性状竞争优势相关的数量性状座位(QTL),探讨水稻竞争优势的遗传基础。【方法】以特青为母本、以基于IR24遗传背景的6个IRBB近等基因系为父本,配组衍生了由204个水稻恢复系株系组成的重组自交系(RIL)群体,并用各个RIL与不育系中9A杂交获得测交F1群体。两年同地种植两套群体,相邻两列并列种植相应的RIL和F1,设2次重复。成熟时每份材料每个重复混收中间4株,考查单株穗数、每穗实粒数、每穗总粒数、结实率、千粒重和单株产量,计算得出2次重复的平均值。在各个性状上,以同一年的数据为基础,将F1表现型减除对应RIL表现型,获得1套衍生数据。以(F1-RIL)数据为基础,应用QTLNetwork 2.0检测QTL;经1 000次Permutation计算,选用全基因组显著性水平P<0.05为阈值。【结果】6个产量性状在RIL和F1群体之间均呈极显著正相关,相关系数以千粒重最高,为0.903;以单株穗数和单株产量最低,分别为0.333和0.357;结实率、每穗实粒数和每穗总粒数居中,分别为0.406、0.448和0.680。结果还表明,随着RIL表型值的增加,F1杂种优势强度逐步降低、杂种劣势强度逐步升高。未检测到控制单株穗数的QTL,但在其他5个性状上共检测到16个QTL,分布于水稻第2、3、5、6、8和10染色体,其中,3个控制每穗实粒数,4个控制每穗总粒数,3个控制结实率,4个控制千粒重,2个控制单株产量,单个QTL的贡献率为1.7%—22.1%。控制每穗实粒数的所有3个QTL全部表现为中9A/IR24的竞争优势优于中9A/特青,而在每穗总粒数、结实率和千粒重上,分别有3、2和2个QTL表现为中9A/IR24的竞争优势优于中9A/特青,有1、1和2个QTL表现为中9A/特青的竞争优势优于中9A/IR24。在控制单株产量的2个QTL中,q GY2与控制每穗实粒数和每穗总粒数的q NGP2和q NSP2位于同一区间,q GY10与控制每穗实粒数和结实率的q NGP10和q SF10位于同一区间,它�
Molecular Screening of Blast Resistance Genes in Rice Germplasms Resistant to Magnaporthe oryzae被引量:6
Molecular screening of major rice blast resistance genes was determined with molecular markers, which showed close-set linkage to 11 major rice blast resistance genes(Pi-d2, Pi-z, Piz-t, Pi-9, Pi-36, Pi-37, Pi5, Pi-b, Pik-p, Pik-h and Pi-ta2), in a collection of 32 accessions resistant to Magnaporthe oryzae. Out of the 32 accessions, the Pi-d2 and Pi-z appeared to be omnipresent and gave positive express. As the second dominant, Pi-b and Piz-t gene frequencies were 96.9% and 87.5%. And Pik-h and Pik-p gene frequencies were 43.8% and 28.1%, respectively. The molecular marker linkage to Pi-ta2 produced positive bands in eleven accessions, while the molecular marker linkage to Pi-36 and Pi-37 in only three and four accessions, respectively. The natural field evaluation analysis showed that 30 of the 32 accessions were resistant, one was moderately resistant and one was susceptible. Infection types were negatively correlated with the genotype scores of Pi-9, Pi5, Pi-b, Pi-ta2 and Pik-p, although the correlation coefficients were very little. These results are useful in identification and incorporation of functional resistance genes from these germplasms into elite cultivars through marker-assisted selection for improved blast resistance in China and worldwide.
LIANG YanYAN Bai-yuanPENG Yun-liangJI Zhi-juanZENG Yu-xiangWU Han-linYANG Chang-deng
Pyramiding blast,bacterial blight and brown planthopper resistance genes in rice restorer lines被引量:6
Rice blast, bacterial blight (BB) and brown planthopper (BPH) are the three main pests of rice. This study investigated pyr-amiding genes resistant to blast, BB and BPH to develop restorer lines. Ten new lines with blast, BB and/or BPH resistance genes were developed using marker-assisted selection (MAS) technique and agronomic trait selection (ATS) method. Only HR13 with resistance genes to blast, BB and BPH was obtained. In addition to blast and BB resistance, four lines (HR39, HR41, HR42, HR43) demonstrated moderate resistance to BPH, but MAS for BPH resistance genes were not conducted in developing these four lines. These data suggested that there were unknown elite BPH resistance genes in the Zhongzu 14 donor parent. A more effective defense was demonstrated in the lines withPi1 andPi2 genes although the weather in 2012 was favorable to disease incidence. Blast resistance of the lines with a single resistance gene,Pita, was easily inlfuenced by the weather. Overal, the information obtained through pyramiding multiple resistance genes on developing the restorer lines is helpful for rice resistance breeding.
JI Zhi-juanYang Shu-dongZENG Yu-xiangLIANG YanYANG Chang-dengQIAN Qian