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3 条 记 录,以下是 1-3
Temporal Stability of Apparent Soil Electrical Conductivity Measured by Electromagnetic Induction Techniques被引量:1
Assessing and managing the spatial variability of hydropedological properties are important in environmental,agricultural,and geological sciences.The spatial variability of soil apparent electrical conductivity(ECa) measured by electromagnetic induction(EMI) techniques has been widely used to infer the spatial variability of hydrological and pedological properties.In this study,temporal stability analysis was conducted for measuring repeatedly soil ECa in an agricultural landscape in 2008.Such temporal stability was statistically compared with the soil moisture,terrain indices(slope,topographic wetness index(TWI),and profile curvature),and soil properties(particle size distribution,depth to bedrock,Mn mottle content,and soil type).Locations with great and temporally unstable soil ECa were also associated with great and unstable soil moisture,respectively.Soil ECa were greater and more unstable in the areas with great TWI(TWI > 8),gentle and concave slope(slope < 3%; profile curvature > 0.2).Soil ECa exponentially increased with depth to bedrock,and soil profile silt and Mn mottle contents(R2= 0.57),quadratically(R2 = 0.47),and linearly(R 2 = 0.47),respectively.Soil ECa was greater and more unstable in Gleysol and Nitosol soils,which were distributed in areas with low elevation(< 380 m),thick soil solum(> 3 m),and fluctuated water table(shallow in winter and spring but deep in summer and fall).In contrast,Acrisol,Luvisol,and Cambisol soils,which are distributed in the upper slope areas,had lower and more stable soil ECa.Through these observations,we concluded that the temporal stability of soil ECa can be used to interpret the spatial and temporal variability of these hydropedological properties.
为探究太湖流域丘陵区典型土地利用类型(如竹林地和茶园)土壤水分的控制因素,在不同深度土壤水分定期观测的基础上,根据前7d降雨量将研究时段划分为干旱状态和湿润状态,利用分类与回归树(CART)方法得出不同干湿状态下土壤水分分布的主控因子,并借助典范对应分析(CCA)定量分析不同土地利用类型、不同土壤深度土壤水分格局与环境因子关系。结果表明:(1)高程、土地利用类型和土层厚度对土壤水分分布的相对贡献率最大,但在不同干湿状态下其影响程度存在差异;(2)干旱状态时土壤水分主要受高程、坡度、地形湿度指数(TWI)和剖面曲率等地形因素的作用,而土层厚度和粘粒也分别为0—20 cm和20—40 cm深度土壤水分的主控因子;(3)在湿润状态下,茶园0—20 cm土壤水分的主控因素为地形因子,在20—40 cm则以土壤性质为主,竹林地两个深度的土壤水分受地形和土壤性质的作用都很强,其中20—40 cm深度土壤水分与环境因子的关系较0—20 cm深度更为复杂。
Soil Moisture Response to Rainfall in Forestland and Vegetable Plot in Taihu Lake Basin,China被引量:4
Soil moisture and its spatial pattern are important for understanding various hydrological,pedological,ecological and agricultural processes.In this study,data of rainfall and soil moisture contents at different depths(10 cm,20 cm,40 cm and 60 cm) in forestland and vegetable plot in the Taihu Lake Basin,China were monitored and analyzed for characteristics of soil moisture variation and its response to several typical rainfall events.The following results were observed.First,great temporal variation of soil moisture was observed in the surface layer than in deeper layer in vegetable plot.In contrast,in forestland,soil moisture had similar variation pattern at different depths.Second,initial soil moisture was an important factor influencing the vertical movement of soil water during rainfall events.In vegetable plot,simultaneous response of soil moisture to rainfall was observed at 10-and 20-cm depths due to fast infiltration when initial soil was relatively dry.However,traditional downward response order occurred when initial soil was relatively wet.Third,critical soil horizon interface was an active zone of soil water accumulation and lateral movement.A less permeable W-B soil horizon interface(40-cm depth) in vegetable plot can create perched water table above it and elevate the soil water content at the corresponding depth.Fourth,the land cover was an effective control factor of soil moisture during small and moderate rainfall events.In the forestland,moderate and small rainfall events had tiny influences on soil moisture due to canopy and surface O horizon interception.Fifth,preferential flow and lateral subsurface interflow were important paths of soil water movement.During large and long duration rainfall events,lateral subsurface flow and preferential flow through surface crack or soil pipe occurred,which recharged the deep soil.However,in more concentrated large storm,surface crack or soil pipe connected by soil macropores was the main contributor to the occurrence of preferential flow.Findings of this st
LI QianZHU QingZHENG JinsenLIAO KaihuaYANG Guishan