TSdb (http://tsdb.cbi.pku.edu.cn) is the first manually curated central repository that stores formatted information on the substrates of transporters. In total, 37608 transporters with 15075 substrates from 884 organisms were curated from UniProt functional annotation. A unique feature of TSdb is that all the substrates are mapped to identifiers from the KEGG Ligand com- pound database. Thus, TSdb links current metabolic pathway schema with compound transporter systems via the shared compounds in the pathways. Furthermore, all the transporter substrates in TSdb are classified according to their biochemical properties, biological roles and subcellular localizations. In addition to the functional annotation of transporters, extensive compound annotation that includes inhibitor information from the KEGG Ligand and BRENDA databases has been integrated, making TSdb a useful source for the discovery of potential inhibitory mechanisms linking transporter substrates and metabolic enzymes. User-friendly web interfaces are designed for easy access, query and download of the data. Text and BLAST searches against all transporters in the database are provided. We will regularly update the substrate data with evidence from new publications.
随着分子生物信息数据量高速增长,生物信息学面临着大规模、高通量、密集型计算的巨大挑战。为有效利用计算机资源,缩短高通量生物信息计算程序执行时间,我们基于Globus Toolkit网格中间件,实现了一个支持高通量生物数据计算的网格系统(Biological Data Computing Grid,简称BDCGrid)。BDCGrid计算网格系统模型可以有效整合中小型生物信息学实验室计算机资源,大大缩短高通量生物信息计算程序执行时间,为相关研究人员利用现有计算机资源处理大规模、高通量生物信息计算任务提供一种新的途径。