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9 条 记 录,以下是 1-9
Dendritic Growth Pattern and Dendritic Network Distortion in the Platform of a Ni-based Superalloy被引量:4
The pattern of dendritic growth and distortion of dendritic network in the platform have been investigated by one mold casting with different platform length during directional solidification. As the platform length elongates, the symmetry of dendritic growth along left and right edges gradually worsens in platform base. While the platform length reaches 14 mm, the distortion of dendritic network is first observed in outward platform. It is found that the distortion of dendritic network along platform inside is more serious than that along platform edges. Both [001] deviation and accumulated misorientation along platform inside, up to 9~ and 16.3~, respectively, are far greeter than those along left-outward-right edges. The deformation of dendritic network in a platform may be caused by the asymmetry of the solidification front at the mush zone.
Xiaoli ZhangYizhou ZhouYanyun HanTao JinXiaofeng Sun
Formation of the Surface Eutectic of a Ni-based Single Crystal Superalloy被引量:2
The microstructure, size, elemental composition and hardness of the surface eutectic layer formed during directional solidification of a Ni-based single crystal superalloy were studied. The formation mechanisms of the surface eutectic on the outer surface of the casting were also discussed. The metal/mould interactions did not play any role in the formation of the surface eutectic. The formation cause of surface eutectic layer was attributed to the interdendritic residual liquid for excretion caused by solidi?cation shrinkage.
Liang CaoLi YaoYizhou ZhouTao JinXiaofeng Sun
为了实现高温合金废料电解液中Re的高效回收,研究了D296强碱性阴离子交换树脂对高温合金电解液中Re的吸附规律和机制并探讨了最优工艺。通过静态试验考察了温度、酸度、时间对D296树脂吸附Re的影响;通过动态实验测定吸附和解吸曲线,并进行了电解液中所含离子对树脂吸附Re的影响实验。结果表明,D296树脂吸附Re的最佳温度为293 K,最佳酸度为pH 4.0~5.0。在此条件下,D296树脂对Re的静态和动态饱和吸附量分别为61.4和64.7 mg·g^(-1)。D296树脂对Re的吸附速率快,吸附反应速率常数为k=1.95×10^(-3)s^(-1),半交换期为t_(1/2)=355 s。反应的吸附焓变ΔH=-3.99 k J·mol^(-1),吸附反应为放热反应,可在常温下进行。选取用10%NH_4SCN作为解吸剂,解析率达98%以上,溶液中共存离子影响树脂对Re的吸附,且NO_3^-离子的存在比Cl^-离子更能干扰树脂对Re的吸附。
Variation of crystal orientation during epitaxial growth of dendrites by laser deposition被引量:5
A nickel-based superalloy was deposited onto a single crystal substrate based on epitaxial laser metal forming (E-LMF). The microstructure development in two depositions has been researched. For the first time, the crystal orientation of dendrites varying beyond 20° was found when the dendrites deflected in deposition. In addition, a new grain boundary was found between different orientation dendrites in a grain, and the detected grain boundary angle was 23°. The result shows that flowing field in laser pool is responsible for this phenomenon.
Guowei WangJingjing LiangYizhou ZhouLibin ZhaoTao JinXiaofeng Sun
Effects of Substrate Crystallographic Orientations on Microstructure in Laser Surface-Melted Single-Crystal Superalloy:Theoretical Analysis被引量:3
A geometric analysis technique for crystal growth and microstructure development in single-crystal welds had been previously developed.And the effect of welding conditions on the tendency of stray grains formation during solidification was researched.In the present work,these analytical methods were further extended.Combined with an original vectorization method,a 3D Rosenthal solution was used to determine thermal conditions of the welds.Afterward,the dendrite growth orientation,the dendrite growth velocity and the thermal gradient along dendrite direction were calculated and lively plotted.Finally,the tendency of stray grains formation in the solidification front was forecasted and its distribution was presented with a 3D plot.The results indicate that substrate orientation has some impacts on the crystal growth pattern,dendrite growth velocity,distribution of thermal gradient and stray grain.Based on the research methods proposed in this work,any substrate crystallographic orientation can be studied,and predicted stray grains distribution can be visualized.
Guo-Wei WangJing-Jing LiangYi-Zhou ZhouTao JinXiao-Feng SunZhuang-Qi Hu
Intergrowth of C phase within μ phase in a Re-containing Ni-base single crystal superalloy
Precipitation of topologically close-packed phases in a Re-containing Ni-base single crystal superalloy was studied under elevated temperature by in situ transmission electron microscopy.Above 1150℃,a new intergrowth structure called C phase was found within μ phase with a defined crystallographic orientation relationship.Elements mapping analysis reveals that C phase has a similar element composition as μ phase,but contains a lower level of Cr,W and Re.With increasing temperature,the proportion of C phase increases gradually.At 1250℃,C phase becomes the dominant precipitate.It is demonstrated that C phase is more thermodynamically stable than μ phase above 11509 that leads to an intergrowth pathway from μ phase to C phase.
Shuang GaoYizhou ZhouZhi-Quan LiuTao Jin
Effect of C and Hf Contents on the Interface Reactions and Wettability between a Ni_3Al-Based Superalloy and Ceramic Mould Material被引量:8
The influence of active elements C and Hf on the interface reactions and wettability between a Ni3Albased superalloy and the ceramic mould material was studied by using a sessile drop experiment, The microstructure of the alloy interface was investigated by scanning electron microscopy analysis and the phase identification was performed by X-ray diffraction analysis, The results show that interface reactions occur as C and Hf contents reach a critical value, The critical values for C and Hf to cause interface reactions are 0,12 wt% and 1,17 wt%, respectively, The reaction products contain HfO2 and 9Al2OH,Cr2O3, Adsorptions of Hf and interface reactions improve the wettability obviously,
Xiaoyan ChenYizhou ZhouTao JinXiaofeng Sun
为了实现离子交换树脂中吸附离子的高效解离,研究了NH_4SCN解吸剂对负载Re的D296树脂的解吸影响,并探讨了其最优解吸工艺.通过静态实验探讨了解吸时间、解吸温度,以及解吸溶液的浓度和p H值对D296树脂的解吸影响,并测定了相应的解吸曲线.结果表明,NH_4SCN解吸剂对D296树脂的最佳解吸温度为323 K,最佳pH值为10,最佳解吸溶液浓度为100 g·L^(-1).在最佳解吸工艺条件下,反应20 min后,D296树脂中Re的解吸率可达98%以上,且解吸反应为吸热反应.当NH_4SCN解吸剂的流速为2 m L·min^(-1)时,淋洗效果较好.