Several new demands have been put forward for the application of the Beijing continuous GNSS observations due to some particular reasons, such as the limited coverage of the observation network, the different construction and management criterion executed by different units and the intense interference resulting from human activity. In this paper, necessary processing of data is carried out, including more accurate calculation, corrections to the replacement, outliers and relocation of equipment, and elimination of linear trends in the E-component for every station. The E-components of the 16 available stations showed a lower sawtooth wave anomaly (slowly westward propagating) before the 2011 Tohoku Mw9. 0 earthquake, a coseismic step rebound (rapid eastward propagating) and a post-seismic D-shaped recovery. These steps constituted a complete earthquake process which was rarely seen before in the GNSS observations and provides a good example for further study. Moreover, the rapid eastward propagating during the earthquake is not influenced by the size of the given normal values, which may play a significant role in earthquake forecasting and early warning.
Wu PeizhiSun JianbaoXu PingXing ChengqiHu LeyinLiang FangHuang YuruiShi YufangJi Hong