As semiconductor technology advances, there will be billions of transistors on a single chip. Chip many-core processors are emerging to take advantage of these greater transistor densities to deliver greater performance. Effective fault tolerance techniques are essential to improve the yield of such complex chips. In this paper, a core-level redundancy scheme called N+M is proposed to improve N-core processors’ yield by providing M spare cores. In such architecture, topology is an important factor because it greatly affects the processors’ performance. The concept of logical topology and a topology reconfiguration problem are introduced, which is able to transparently provide target topology with lowest performance degradation as the presence of faulty cores on-chip. A row rippling and column stealing (RRCS) algorithm is also proposed. Results show that PRCS can give solutions with average 13.8% degradation with negligible computing time.
Circular self test path (CSTP) is an attractive technique for testing digital integrated circuits(IC) in the nanometer era, because it can easily provide at-speed test with small test data volume and short test application time. However, CSTP cannot reliably attain high fault coverage because of difficulty of testing random-pattern-resistant faults. This paper presents a deterministic CSTP (DCSTP) structure that consists of a DCSTP chain and jumping logic, to attain high fault coverage with low area overhead. Experimental re- sults on ISCAS’89 benchmarks show that 100% fault coverage can be obtained with low area overhead and CPU time, especially for large circuits.
This paper addresses the problem of test response compaction. In order to maximize compaction ratio, a single-output compactor based on a (n, n-1, m, 3) convolutional code is presented. When the proposed theorems are satisfied, the compactor can avoid two and any odd erroneous bits cancellations, and handle one unknown bit (X bit). When the X bits in response are clustered, multiple-weight check matrix design algorithm can be used to reduce the effect of massive X bits. Some extended experimental results show that the proposed encoder has an acceptable-level X tolerant capacity and low error cancellations probability.