Let L^p(Ω, H^n) indicate the L^P-space of the maps for Heisenberg group target. In this paper some new properties are obtained for the space L^p(Ω, H^n)
The purpose of this paper is to prove existence of minimisers of the functional where Ω is an open set of the Heisenberg group Hn, K runs over all closed sets of Hn, u varies in C_H^1(Ω\ K), α,β> 0,q≥1, g ∈ Lq(Ω) ∩ L∞(Ω) and f : R2n→R is a convex function satisfying some structure conditions (H1)(H2)(H3) (see below).
完备的随机波动率模型是David G.Hobson and Rogers L G 于1998年引入一类新的随机波动率模型,与现有波动率模型相比,它有很多优点.本文讨论了这类模型的估计问题。通过测度变换,将系数σ(·)的估计转化为—般回归函数的估计问题,给出了该系数的核估计量,并证明了所得估计量的均方收敛性。
In this paper we give a geometric interpretation of the notion of the horizontal mean curvature which is introduced by Danielli Garofalo-Nhieu and Pauls who recently introduced sub- Riemannian minimal surfaces in Carnot groups. This will be done by introducing a natural nonholonomic connection which is the restriction (projection) of the natural Riemannian connection on the horizontal bundle. For this nonholonomic connection and (intrinsic) regular hypersurfaces we introduce the notions of the horizontal second fundamental form and the horizontal shape operator. It turns out that the horizontal mean curvature is the trace of the horizontal shape operator.
Let Ωbelong to R^m (m≥ 2) be a bounded domain with piecewise smooth and Lipschitz boundary δΩ Let t and r be two nonnegative integers with t ≥ r + 1. In this paper, we consider the variable-coefficient eigenvalue problems with uniformly elliptic differential operators on the left-hand side and (-Δ)^T on the right-hand side. Some upper bounds of the arbitrary eigenvalue are obtained, and several known results are generalized.