天气雷达对中小尺度灾害性天气具有较强的监测预警能力,对研究中小尺度对流系统的云雨结构、理解降水内部的热力学和动力学过程有很大的帮助。单站点地基雷达受到诸如电磁波衰减、地物干扰等影响,在探测上存在一些限制。为了扩大天气雷达探测区域,需要采用多部天气雷达组网联合探测。然而雷达组网的各雷达之间没有进行统一标定,影响雷达网资料一致性、组网拼图,以及使雷达资料在数值模式同化的应用中受到限制。本文以TRMM(Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission)卫星搭载的经过精确标定的测雨雷达PR(Precipitation Radar)数据产品作为标准参照源,订正地基雷达GR(Ground-based Radar)的反射率因子偏差。为了减小PR与GR之间观测值对比的不一致性,利用最佳配对数据对比法(ABCD, Available Best Comparable Dataset法),对2008年1月至2014年9月间,江苏省六部地基雷达(南京、常州、连云港、南通、徐州、盐城)的反射率因子值进行订正。最后对方法的应用范围、存在的问题及未来展望进行了讨论。
中国新一代天气雷达可以进行较大范围降水的定量估测,但相邻站雷达之间的资料可能存在不一致性而影响组网应用效果。将热带降雨测量卫星TRMM(Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission)上携带的降水雷达PR(Precipitation Radar)作为统一的参照,针对2010年5-8月份长江中下游降水天气期间PR与苏南三部(南京、常州、南通)雷达的7次匹配事件的资料进行一致性分析,并利用经质量控制后得到的比较适宜于对比分析的数据集建立订正关系,进行偏差订正,分析订正效果,并详细比较其中两次事件订正前后地基雷达数据之间的差异。结果表明:(1)南京雷达反射率因子强度比常州雷达低3.5 d B左右,常州比南通低0.9 d B左右,3 km高度的回波强度拼图存在明显不连续;(2)将TRM M PR作为参照,利用预处理后的雷达观测数据样本,计算得出南京、常州、南通各地基雷达与PR的差值,并进行偏差订正后,南京与常州、常州与南通之间的反射率因子差值减小成为0.3和0.2,拼图效果也明显改善。
Based on data collected during the first U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) field campaigns at Shouxian, east- ern China in 2008, the effects of clouds and aerosols on the surface radiation budget during the period Octo- ber-December 2008 were studied. The results revealed that the largest longwave (LW), shortwave (SW), and net Aerosol Radiative Effects (AREs) are 12.7, -37.6, and -24.9 W rn-2, indicating that aerosols have LW warming impact, a strong SW cooling effect, and a net cooling ef- fect on the surface radiation budget at Shouxian during the study period 15 October-15 December 2008. The SW cloud radiative forcing (CRF) is -135.1 W m-2, much cooler than ARE (about 3.6 times), however, the LW CRF is 43.6 W m 2, much warmer than ARE, and resulting in a net CRF of-91.5 W m-2, about 3.7 times of net ARE. These results suggest that the clouds have much stronger LW warming effect and SW cooling effect on the surface radiation budget than AREs. The net surface radiation budget is dominated by SW cooling effect for both ARE and CRE. Furthermore, the precipitatable clouds (PCs) have the largest SW cooling effect and LW warming ef- fect, while optically thin high clouds have the smallest cooling effect and LW warming on the surface radiation budget. Comparing the two selected caseds, CloudSat cloud radar reflectivity agrees very well with the AMF (ARM Mobile Facility) WACR (W-band ARM Cloud Radar) measurements, particularly for cirrus cloud case. These result will provide a ground truth to validate the model simulations in the future.