The formation process of pseudo-spherical α-Fe2O3 particles obtained through the hydrolysis of 0.01 mol·L-1 FeCl3 solution was studied by means of TEM and XRD.The results show that the growth of α-Fe2O3 nuclies is through the diffusion mechanism.Although the presence of CTAB in the FeCl3 solution has no effect on the growth process of pseudo-spheric α-Fe2O3 particles,more uniform particles are obtained,and the particles are self-assembled to form two-dimensional ordered structure due to the effect of CTAB.The optical character of these α-Fe2O3 particles was investigated,and the band-gap of which is about 2.49 eV.
利用溶胶 凝胶技术,控制钛酸四丁酯(TBOT)与硅酸乙酯(TEOS)的水解速度,使其共同水解成溶胶、凝胶,以乙醇为溶剂进行超临界干燥,经过一定温度热处理后,得到暗黄色透明的块体材料·进行了透射电镜观察和X衍射分析,表明锐钛矿结构的纳米TiO2均匀地分散于无定形SiO2基质中·FT IR光谱分析发现纳米TiO2与SiO2基质之间存在着Ti O Si键·在对罗丹明B水溶液的光催化降解中,此块体材料显示较好的光催化活性,在1h内催化降解86%的罗丹明B·此材料克服了粉状TiO2在实际水污染治理应用中的局限性,有着广泛的应用前景·