As an ill-posed problem, multiframe blind super resolution imaging recovers a high resolution image from a group of low resolution images with some degradations when the information of blur kernel is limited. Note that the quality of the recovered image is influenced more by the accuracy of blur estimation than an advanced regularization. We study the traditional model of the multiframe super resolution and modify it for blind deblurring. Based on the analysis, we proposed two algorithms. The first one is based on the total variation blind deconvolution algorithm and formulated as a functional for optimization with the regularization of blur. Based on the alternating minimization and the gradient descent algorithm, the high resolution image and the unknown blur kernel are estimated iteratively. By using the median shift and add operator, the second algorithm is more robust to the outlier influence. The MSAA initialization simplifies the interpolation process to reconstruct the blurred high resolution image for blind deblurring and improves the accuracy of blind super resolution imaging. The experimental results demonstrate the superiority and accuracy of our novel algorithms.
This paper proposes a distributed second-order consensus time synchronization, which incorporates the second-order consensus algorithm into wireless sensor networks. Since local clocks may have different skews and offsets, the algorithm is designed to include offset compensation and skew compensation. The local clocks are not directly modified, thus the virtual clocks are built according to the local clocks via the compensation parameters. Each node achieves a virtual consensus clock by periodically updated compensation parameters. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is verified through a number of simulations in a mesh network. It is proved that the proposed algorithm has the advantage of being distributed, asymptotic convergence, and robust to new node joining.