This paper studies the power allocation problem for the non-orthogonal decode-and-forward (NDF) cooperation protocol with selection relaying.With the availability of the magnitudes of all channel gains at the source, the power allocation is explored that maximizes the mutual information between the source and destination subject to a total power constraint.The minimum power that avoids the outage of the relay is set as a condition, under which the power allocation problem becomes one of selecting the optimal one from several allocation factor triplets.It is shown that the power allocation scheme can provide considerable performance gain, and the non-orthogonal cooperation protocol is superior to the orthogonal protocol and direct transmission.
We investigate the multiple access channels (MAC) where sources can cooperate via half-duplex relaying and refer to it as cooperative MAC channels (CMAC). Assuming perfect channel state information (CSI) at the transmitters and the receivers, we determine the bounds on the achievable rate region of a Gaussian CMAC channel and an inner bound on the outage capacity region of a fading CMAC channel. Based on superposition modulation, a half-duplex cooperative relay scheme with optimal resource allocation is proposed to achieve the bounds of capacity region. Analytical results and simulation results show that the achievable rate region of a Gaussian CMAC channel is larger than that of a Gaussian MAC channel with direct transmission (DT) schemes. But they have the same achievable sum rate. Moreover, the proposed scheme can provide higher outage capacity region than DT schemes in a fading MAC channel due to the fact that sources can share the resources with each other to reduce outages.
A distributed space-time-frequency (STF) coding scheme is proposed for cooperative OFDM (C-OFDM) systems with three terminals over quasi-static frequency-selective Rayleigh fading channels, The outage probability is derived and its tight closed-form lower bound is presented. Asymptotic analysis indicates that the proposed scheme can achieve both spatial and multipath (frequency) diversity. The theoretical analysis of the proposed STF coded scheme is further implemented by the distributed group STF block coding (D-GSTFBC) scheme based on the subcarrier grouping technique, Simulation results confirm the previously introduced theoretical analysis.