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5 条 记 录,以下是 1-5
Source model of the 11th July 2004 Zhongba earthquake revealed from the joint inversion of InSAR and seismological data被引量:3
We use interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) and broadband seismic waveform data to estimate a source model of the 11th July, 2004 M W 6.2 Zhongba earthquake, Tibet of China. This event occurred within the seismically active zone of southwestern Tibetan Plateau where the east-west extension of the upper crust is observed. Because of limitations in one pair of InSAR data available, there are trade-offs among centroid depth, rupture area and amount of slip. Available seismic data tightly constrain the focal mechanism and centroid depth of the earthquake but not the horizontal location. Together, two complementary data sets can be used to identify the actual fault plane, better constrain the slip model and event location. We first use regional seismic waveform to estimate point source mechanism, then InSAR data is used to obtain better location. Finally, a joint inversion of teleseismic P-waves and InSAR data is performed to obtain a distributed model. Our preferred point source mechanism indicates a seismic moment of ~2.2×10 18 N·m (~M W 6.2), a fault plane solution of 171° (342 ° )/42 ° (48 ° )/-83 ° (-97 ° ), corresponding to strike/dip/rake, and a depth of 11 km. The fault plane with strike of 171 ? and dip of 42° is identified as the ruptured fault with the aid of InSAR data. The preferred source model features compact area of slips between depth of 5–11 km and 10 km along strike with maximum slip amplitude of about 1.5 m.
Shengji WeiSidao NiXianjie ZhaDon Helmberger
Effects of sedimentary layer on earthquake source modeling from geodetic inversion被引量:1
Ground deformation as observed with GPS or InSAR has been broadly inverted in constraining source parameter of earthquakes. However, for earthquakes occurring beneath sedimentary basins, the very slow sub-surface shear velocity (v S , down to 200 m/s) may cause substantial bias to earthquake source inversion if simple crustal models are used. For Bohai basin, Sichuan basin and rock-sites, we test effects of sub-surface shear velocity structure on ground deformation, and find that up to a factor of 2 overestimate of seismic moment could be generated by the basin structures. Therefore, the very slow sub-surface velocity has to be taken into account before accurate source inversion can be applied.
Weiwen ChenSidao NiShengji WeiZhenjie WangJun Xie
Wave separation for the great Sumatra-Andaman earthquake with regional seismic array
We analyzed the seismic waveforms from the December 26, 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake recorded at broadband seismic stations in western Europe. Previous studies involving of the beam-forming technique and high frequency analysis suggest that the earthquake ruptured with a duration of around 500 s. This very long duration makes P wave overlap with later arrivals such as PP wave, which follows P in about 200 s. Since P waves are crucial for modeling earthquake processes, we propose an iterative method to separate P and PP waveforms. The separated P waveform confirms a second large energy release around 300 s after the initial rupture. The iterative signal separation technique is particularly useful for mixed signals that are not independent and the number of recording stations far exceeds number of mixed signal sources.
Chunyan ZhangSidao Ni
Determination of focal depth by two waveform-based methods:A case study for the 2008 Panzhihua earthquake被引量:17
With the 2008 Ms6.1 Panzhihua earthquake as a case study, we demonstrate that the focal depth of the main shock can be well constrained with two approaches: (1) using the depth phase sPL and (2) using full waveform inversion of local and teleseismic data. We also show that focal depths can be well constrained using the depth phase sPL with single broadband seismic station. Our study indicates that the main shock is located at a depth of ii kin, much shallower than those from other studies, confirming that the earthquake occurs in upper crust. Aftershocks are located in the depth range of 11 16 kin, which is consistent with a ruptured near vertical fault whose width is about 10 km, as expected for an Ms6.1 earthquake.
Zhenjie WangJiajun ChongSidao NiBarbara Romanowicz
研究表明,大陆地震很少发生在距地表5km以浅,然而,近年来四川、重庆等地区发生了一系列3km以浅的极浅源地震,据推测可能与新生断层形成或者工业开采活动有关。如果仅凭直达体波震相到时信息,要较好测定极浅源地震深度,需以震中距在2倍震源深度范围内有台站为前提,而目前的台站密度显然不足。在这种情况下,地震的波形信息可为深度测定提供更有效地约束。目前已经广泛采用的CAP(Cut and Paste)方法利用了地震波形信息反演震源机制解、震级和深度,此方法对速度模型虽然没有严格要求,但是速度模型误差太大时不利于地震深度定位。本文以2010年9月10日荣昌地区发生的Mb4.7地震为例,结合远震深度震相约束震源深度,测试了一系列地壳速度模型对CAP方法反演极浅源地震深度的影响。研究发现浅层速度模型误差达10%时,震源深度反演误差不大,但当误差超过50%时,震源深度误差则很大。因此在研究极浅源地震时,需要对浅层速度结构进行较为准确的测定。