It is attractive and meaningful to apply the lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) to electrohydrodynamic (EHD) problems. As an important and fundamental problem in EHD, the behavior of freely-suspended liquid drops subjected to electrostatic fields was simulated with a 2-D LBM by means of the permittiv- ity-density relation proposed by the authors and Peng’s multiphase LBM which can obtain high liquid-to-vapor density ratio and low liquid-phase compressibility. The phenomena and laws of deformation, especially the instable behavior of the liquid drops were well simulated. And two important critical parameters, i.e. the critical permittivity ratio and the critical electric-field strength were obtained. These results agree with the corresponding theories and experiments. The simulations show the particular advantages and potential of the LBM in studying multiphase electrohydrodynamic problems.
许多微流体系统涉及到存在残余液体的微管道中由表面张力驱动的注入流动问题。该文利用非定常N av ier-S tokes方程,采用VOF模型追踪运动界面,以CSF模型考虑表面张力的影响,使用有限体积法对存在不同形态残余液体的微管道中不可压缩流体的表面张力驱动的注入流动进行了数值模拟。结果表明,与不含残余液体的情况相比,管道内存在附着于管壁的液滴时,入口流量下降,但液体的注入效率反而略有提高;而管道内存在封闭液柱时,入口流量明显降低,而且会在管道中形成随液体一同运动的气泡,不利于液体注入。这些结论对于相关微流体系统的设计具有借鉴意义。