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  • 2篇中文期刊文章


  • 1篇电子电信
  • 1篇一般工业技术


  • 1篇NEGATI...
  • 1篇PATTER...
  • 1篇STRUCT...
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  • 1篇THIN_F...
  • 1篇AFM
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  • 1篇2011
  • 1篇2010
2 条 记 录,以下是 1-2
Negative refraction in ferromagnetic materials under external magnetic field:a theoretical analysis
We present a detailed theoretical analysis on the possibilities and conditions for negative permeability and negative refraction occuring in the magnetic materials with both pronounced magnetic and dielectric responses to electromagnetic waves. The results indicate that the permeability is always positive for 5 = (2q +0.5)π (5 is the initial phase difference of magnetic components hx and hy of incident electromagnetic wave, q is integer), which means that it is difficult to realize negative refraction. However, for 5 = 2qπ, 5 = (2q + 1)π, or 5 = (2q - 0.5)π, the negative permeability occurs at some range of free procession frequency, which means that the refraction can become negative under certain conditions. Further analysis reveals that for general positive permittivity there are various opportunities for realizing the negative refraction provided that some requirements are met. One concludes also that the refractive index for δ = 2qπ case is similar to 5 = (2q + 1)π The only difference between two cases of δ = 2qπ and 5 = (2q + 1)π is that the x-direction for δ = 2qπ corresponds to the y-direction for 5 = (2q + 1)π and the y-direction for 5 = 2qπ corresponds to the x-direction for δ = (2q + 1)π. The results are valuable for designing and analysing the complex negative refraction of magnetic materials.
Laser direct writing pattern structures on AgInSbTe phase change thin film
Different pattern structures are obtained on the AglnSbTe (AIST) phase change film as induced by laser beam. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) was used to observe and analyze the different pattern structures. The AFM photos clearly show the gradually changing process of pattern structures induced by different threshold effects, such as crystallization threshold, microbump threshold, melting threshold, and ablation threshold. The analysis indicates that the AIST material is very effective in the fabrication of pattern structures and can offer relevant guidance for application of the material in the future.