Phase equilibria in the Fe-Nb-Zr system at 1,200 ℃ were determined by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscope (SEM) coupled with energydispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) techniques. Extensive NbFez domain was proposed in the current work. This compound existed in the composition range from 35 at% to 73 at% Fe, 12 at% to 32 at% Nb, and 0 to 32 at% Zr. In the present work, four three-phase regions (1)-(Nb,Zr) + NbFe + NbFe2, (2) [3-(Nb,Zr) + NbFe2 + Liquid, (3) NbFe2 + Liquid + ZrFe2, and (4) ZrFe2 + Fe + NbFe2, were established.