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12 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
基于2009—2014年疏勒河上游高寒山区(3400~4200 m)的实测资料,本文以距平百分率、降水集中度(PCD)与集中期(PCP)为主要方法,对高寒草地生长季(5—9月)的降水特征进行了分析。结果表明:生长季降水量为139.3~401.6 mm,距平百分率普遍处于-12.9%~18.8%,降水梯度达21.7 mm·100 m^(-1)(2013—2014年);降水最大月多为6月或7月,二者之和约占生长季降水量的55.7%~60.1%;降水集中度为0.21~0.49,集中期分布在6月下旬至7月;次降水以量级<10 mm、历时<24 h、雨强<0.5 mm·h^(-1)为主;疏勒河上游高寒草地的生长季降水具有年际变率小、垂直变化明显、分配较为集中、小降水事件多的主要特征。
利用疏勒河上游草地综合观测点2011年草甸主要生长季节的观测资料,应用小型蒸渗仪法(ML)、涡动相关法(EC)、波文比能量平衡法(BREB)对高寒草甸的蒸散量进行估算和比较分析。结果发现:在观测期间涡度相关法与能量平衡法所测定结果存在能量不闭合现象,能量平衡闭合度0.84;波文比法估算的蒸散量为270.6 mm,比蒸渗仪法测定结果(238.9 mm)高13%,比涡度相关法结果(236.1 mm)高出15%。3种方法估算结果均有较好相关性。涡度相关法可能低估蒸散量,波文比能量平衡法对蒸散量有所高估。考虑到蒸散估算精度和连续性观测等方面,涡度相关法更具优势。
利用石羊河流域内国家气象站点和中国内陆河湖水文站点2010—2012年逐日降水观测资料,基于DEM资料提取流域经度、纬度、坡度、坡向、海拔等地形因子,建立降水量与地理地形因子之间的多元偏最小二乘(partial least squares,PLS)回归模型,对石羊河流域2010—2012年在年、季、月尺度上的降水分布特征进行研究,结果显示:1)采用交叉验证法对PLS与反距离加权法(IDW)、样条函数法(SPLINE)、普通克里金插值法(OK)等传统插值方法的精度验证结果比较发现,PLS的平均绝对误差(MAE)和均方根误差(RMSE)值均是最小的。PLS回归模型对降水量的拟合相关系数除2011/2012年冬季分别为0.68和0.66,其余模型的拟合相关系数均在0.81以上,且显著性水平在95%以上。2)不同的时间及时间尺度,地形因子对降水量的影响是不同的,基本上海拔和坡度对降水量的影响是较大的,且随海拔和坡度的增加降水量增加。3)石羊河流域2010—2012年年降水量从南向北逐渐递减,最大降水量均在南部祁连山区;季节降水量大小依次为夏季>秋季>春季>冬季,夏季降水量较丰富;不同年的夏季6/7/8月的降水特征也各不相同,2011年7月和2012年8月降水量相对较丰富。
The hydrological linkage of mountains and plains in the arid region of northwest China被引量:3
Mountain regions supply a large amount of fresh water for the people in arid and semiarid regions, however, there is great uncertainty of the water quantification from mountains to lower areas. In order to assess the hydrological significance of mountains and the hydrological linkage of mountains and plains, the measured and simulated hydrological data of the arid region in northwest China were used in the present research which followed a catchment-based approach. Firstly, the Heihe River Basin, a well-documented area, was selected as a specific watershed to reveal the hydrological relationship between highlands (mountains) and lowlands (plains); and then, the significance and disproportion of mountain runoff of 8 river basins as cases in the arid region of northwest China were analyzed and compared following the above analysis. The results of the study showed that the proportion of mountain runoff in total basinal runoff (PMR) of most rivers is above 50%. The PMR are between 50%-95% in the rivers originated in the northern slope of the Tianshan Mountains where the aqueous vapor is relatively sufficient. And that, almost all the flow of the rivers originating from the Qilian Mountains, the southern slope of the Tianshan Mountains, and the northern slope of the Kunlun Mountains come from mountain regions. Also the PMR gradually increases from west to east in northwest China. The hydrological significance and disproportion of mountains water in the arid region of northwest China were given a systematic and thorough assessment, and the results could give potential guides for the scientific utilization of water resources in these regional areas for relieving the more and more serious shortage of water resources due to climate warming and population expansion.
QIN JiaDING YongJianYANG GuoJing
Glacial Runoff Likely Reached Peak in the Mountainous Areas of the Shiyang River Basin,China被引量:13
Glacier runoff in mountain areas of the Shiyang River Basin(SRB), Qilian Mountain, western China is important for the river and water supply downstream. Small glaciers with area of less than 1km2 are dominant(87%) in the SRB. A modified monthly degree-day model was applied to quantify the glacier mass balance, area, and changes in glacier runoff in the SRB during 1961–2050. The comparison between the simulated and observed snow line altitude, annual glacier runoff, and mass balance from1961 to 2008 suggests that the degree-day model may be used to analyze the long-term change of glacier mass balance and runoff in the SRB. The glacier accumulation shows a significant(p<0.01) decreasing trend of-0.830 mm a-1. The mass balance also shows a significant(p<0.01) decreasing trend of-5.521 mm a-1. The glacier total runoff has significantly(p<0.05)increased by 0.079 × 105 m3 from 1961 to 2008. The monthly precipitation and air temperature are projected to significant(p<0.005) increase during2015 to 2050 under three different scenarios. The ablation is projected to significant(p<0.001) increase,while the accumulation has no significant(p=0.05)trend. The mass balance is projected to decrease, theglacier area is projected to decrease, and the glacier runoff depth is projected to increase. However, the glacier total runoff is projected to decrease. These results indicate that the glacier total runoff over glacier areas observed in 1970 reached its peak in the 2000 s. This will exacerbate the contradiction between water supply and downstream water demands in the SRB.
ZHANG Shi-qiangGAO XinZhang Xiao-wen
青藏高原与黄土高原过渡带的甘肃武都万象洞位于现代夏季风的边缘区,对气候变化极为敏感.通过洞内一支石笋WX40D的6个高精度TIMS-U系定年数据和616个样品的氧同位素测定,建立了28.3~23.0kaB.P.,分辨率约为10年的亚洲季风气候变化序列.石笋δ18O记录揭示Marine Isotope Stage2(MIS2)早期东亚季风气候具有10~100a尺度高频震荡特征,从中识别出北大西洋Heinrich2(H2)特强冷事件,且记录显示该事件开始于24.6kaB.P.,呈突发式降温之后持续跌宕式降温变化.对比研究发现,万象洞石笋δ18O记录H2事件与葫芦洞、天鹅洞的石笋记录有差别,但是与湖南金滩湾洞穴石笋δ18O记录、33°N太阳辐射强度以及极地GRIP冰心记录变化趋势一致,表明季风边缘区气候变化主要受北半球中纬度太阳辐射能背景、北大西洋冰漂碎屑带的扩张以及低纬太平洋海表温度变化等因素的控制,同时万象洞特殊的地理位置使得区域气候更易受到与极地气候有密切联系的亚洲冬季风和西风环流变化的影响.
Understanding the impact of mountain landscapes on water balance in the upper Heihe River watershed in northwestern China被引量:6
Estimating the impact of mountain landscape on hydrology or water balance is essential for the sus- tainable development strategies of water resources. Specifically, understanding how the change of each landscape influences hydrological components will greatly improve the predictability of hydrological responses to mountain landscape changes and thus can help the government make sounder decisions. In the paper, we used the VIC (Variable Infiltration Capacity) model to conduct hydrological modeling in the upper Heihe River watershed, along with a frozen-soil module and a glacier melting module to improve the simulation. The improved model performed satisfactorily. We concluded that there are differences in the runoff generation of mountain landscape both in space and time. About 50% of the total runoff at the catchment outlet were generated in mid-mountain zone (2,900-4,000 m asl), and water was mainly consumed in low mountain region (1,700-2,900 m asl) because of the higher requirements of trees and grasses. The runoff coefficient was 0.37 in the upper Heihe River watershed. Barren landscape produced the largest runoff yields (52.46% of the total runoff) in the upper Heihe River watershed, fol- lowed by grassland (34.15%), shrub (9.02%), glacier (3.57%), and forest (0.49%). In order to simulate the impact of landscape change on hydrological components, three landscape change scenarios were designed in the study. Scenario 1, 2 and 3 were to convert all shady slope landscapes at 2,000-3,300 m, 2,000-3,700 m, and 2,000-4,000 m asl respectively to forest lands, with forest coverage rate increased to 12.4%, 28.5% and 42.0%, respectively. The runoff at the catchment outlet correspondingly declined by 3.5%, 13.1% and 24.2% under the three scenarios. The forest landscape is very important in water conservation as it reduced the flood peak and increased the base flow. The mountains as "water towers" play important roles in water resources generation and the impact of mountain landscapes
Jia QINYongJian DINGJinKui WUMingJie GAOShuHua YIChuanCheng ZHAOBaiSheng YEMan LIShengXia WANG
Evaluating Soil Moisture Predictions Based on Ensemble Kalman Filter and SiB2 Model
Soil moisture is an important variable in the fields of hydrology, meteorology, and agriculture, and has been used for numerous applications and forecasts. Accurate soil moisture predictions on both a large scale and local scale for different soil depths are needed. In this study, a soil moisture assimilation and prediction based on the Ensemble Kalman Filter(EnKF) and Simple Biosphere Model(SiB2) have been performed in Meilin watershed, eastern China, to evaluate the initial state values with different assimilation frequencies and precipitation influences on soil moisture predictions. The assimilated results at the end of the assimilation period with different assimilation frequencies were set to be the initial values for the prediction period. The measured precipitation, randomly generated precipitation,and zero precipitation were used to force the land surface model in the prediction period. Ten cases were considered based on the initial value and precipitation. The results indicate that, for the summer prediction period with the deeper water table depth, the assimilation results with different assimilation frequencies influence soil moisture predictions significantly. The higher assimilation frequency gives better soil moisture predictions for a long lead-time. The soil moisture predictions are affected by precipitation within the prediction period. For a short lead-time, the soil moisture predictions are better for the case with precipitation, but for a long lead-time, they are better without precipitation. For the winter prediction period with a lower water table depth, there are better soil moisture predictions for the whole prediction period. Unlike the summer prediction period, the soil moisture predictions of winter prediction period are not significantly influenced by precipitation. Overall, it is shown that soil moisture assimilations improve its predictions.
Xiaolei FUZhongbo YUYing TANGYongjian DINGHaishen LYUBaoqing ZHANGXiaolei JIANGQin JU