Virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) is a useful technique for rapid plant gene function analysis. We recently reported a new VIGS vector modified from Tomato yellow leaf curl China virus (TYLCCNV) DNAβ (DNAm β). In this study we compared in detail DNAmβ-induced gene silencing in four Nicotiana species including N. benthamiana, N. glutinosa, N. tabacum and N. paniculata. We found that DNAmβ-induced gene silencing in the four species was distinct in developing dynamics, tissue specificity, efficiency, and constancy in the plant life span. It was most efficient in N. benthamiana, where development of VIGS was most rapid, without tissue specificity and nearly 100% efficient. DNAmβ-induced gene silencing in N. glutinosa was also efficient despite being slightly less than in N. benthamiana. It initially occurred in veins, later was scattered to mesophyll, finally led to complete silencing in whole leaves. In both species, VIGS constantly expressed until the plants died. However, DNAmβ-mediated VIGS in the other two Nicotiana species, N. tabacum and N. paniculata, was significantly less efficient. It was strictly limited within the veins of the silenced leaves, and constantly occurred only over 3-4 weeks. The upper leaves that emerged later stopped showing the silencing phenotype. DNAmβ-induced gene silencing in N. benthamiana and N. glutinosa was not significantly influenced by the growth stage when the plants were agro-inoculated, and was not sensitive to high growth temperature up to 32℃. Our results indicate that this system has great potential as a versatile VIGS system for routine functional analysis of genes in some Nicotiana species.
You-Ping XuLu-Ping ZhengQiu-Fang XuChang-Chun WangXue-Ping ZhouZu-Jian WuXin-Zhong Cai
<正>Identification of hypersensitive response(HR) regulators is essential to dissect the molecular mechanisms u...
XU Qiu-Fang~1 CHENG Wei-Shun~1 LI Shuang-Sheng~1 LI Wen~1 ZHANG Zhi-Xin~1 XU You-Ping~2 CAI Xin-Zhong~(1**) (1.Institute of Biotechnology,College of Agriculture and Biotechnology,Zhejiang University, 866 Yu Hang Tang Road,Hangzhou 310058,China
钙依赖磷酸酶(Calcineurin)作为Ca2+信号传感器中继因子对受Ca2+调节的生物学过程起重要调控作用。本研究克隆了一个番茄全长cDNA序列,该序列与钙依赖磷酸酶催化亚基(Calcineurin A,CNA)序列同源。推定的蛋白产物由315个氨基酸组成,明显短于非植物来源的该类蛋白。该蛋白含有钙依赖磷酸酶类金属磷酸酶中保守的催化作用活性位点基序,以及两个潜在的钙调蛋白结合位点,故暂时命名为LeCAL1(Lycopersicon esculentum calcineurin A like 1)。对CNA序列的分析结果表明,植物与非植物CNA差异明显,在系统进化树中形成距离很远的两大分支。植物CNA中,LeCAL1与拟南芥CNA同源性较高,而与水稻CNA较低。对LeCAL1在番茄中的表达分析结果显示,Cf/Avr介导的过敏性反应的产生诱导LeCAL1基因的表达,表明钙依赖磷酸酶可能在番茄抗叶霉病中起调节作用。