合成了主链重复结构单元中含不饱和双键的聚磷酸酯,利用FT-IR及NM R对其进行了表征。研究了聚合物分子量、交联剂N-乙烯基吡咯烷酮与引发剂过氧化苯甲酰的含量对最高交联温度、固化时间、压缩强度及压缩模量的影响。研究表明,体系的最高交联温度在41.1℃~82.3℃,低于骨修复材料甲基丙烯酸甲酯的最高交联温度97℃。引发剂含量的增加能够加快体系交联固化。提高分子量以及交联剂与引发剂的含量都能增加交联产物的压缩强度及压缩模量,四种配方所得交联产物的压缩强度为3.3M Pa^11.0 M Pa,压缩模量为4.9 M Pa^101.9 M Pa,接近松质骨的水平。因此,U PPE有可能成为一类新型的可注射性骨组织工程支架材料。
Poly (4- methylphenoxyphosphnzene ) -graft-poly ( ethylene oxide ) ( PPZ-g- PEO ), a novel amphiphilie grafting polymer was prepared via the Decker-Forster reaction. It is found that the graft efficiency increased with extension of reaction time. Low molecular weight of poly ( ethylene oxide ) favored the grafting reaction. The grafted polymer has two different glass transition temperatures( Tg) with those of pure poly( 4-methyl- phenoxy-phopsphazene ) and PEO. The emulsifying ability of grafted polymer was studied with benzene-water mixtare. The emulsifying volumes increased with the decreasing of PEO' s molecular weight. The contact angle of film forming from grafted polymer decreased after introduction of PEO grafting chain.