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6 条 记 录,以下是 1-5
A vertically integrated eutrophication model and its application to a river-style reservoir-Fuchunjiang,China被引量:6
Based on a 2-D hydrodynamic model, a vertically integrated eutrophication model was developed. The physical sub-model can be used for calculation of water density at different depths, and the water quality sub-model was used for calculation of algal growth. The cohesive and non-cohesive sediments were simulated separately with different methods. The light extinction coefficient used in the underwater light regime sub-model was linearly related to the sum of sediment and phytoplankton biomass. Some components less important to the model were simplified to improve practicability and calculation efficiency. Using field data from Fuchunjiang Reservoir, we calculated the sensitivity of ecological parameters included in this model and validated the model. The results of sensitivity analysis showed that the parameters strongly influenced the phytoplankton biomass, including phytoplankton maximum growth rate, respiration rate, non-predatory mortality rate, settling rate, zooplankton maximum filtration rate, specific extinction coefficient for suspended solids and sediment oxygen demand rate. The model was calibrated by adjusting these parameters. Total chlorophyll α (chl-α) concentrations at different layers in the water column were reproduced very well by the model simulations. The simulated chl-α values were positively correlated to the measured values with Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.92. The mean difference between measured and simulated chl-α concentrations was 12% of the measured chl-α concentration. Measured and simulated DO concentrations were also positively correlated (r = 0.74) and the mean difference was 4% of measured DO concentrations. The successful validation of model indicated that it would be very useful in water quality management and algal bloom prediction in Fuchunjiang Reservoir and a good tool for water quality regulation of other fiver-style reservoirs.
WU TingfengLUOLiancongQIN BoqiangCUI GuangbaiYUZuomingYAO Zhiming
Study on the simulation of transparency of Lake Taihu under different hydrodynamic conditions被引量:7
It was indicated in this study that there were negative relations between the concentrations of suspended solid (SS) and transparency according to the analysis of measured data of Lake Taihu. Their relations in pervious studies were reviewed, which showed that the changes of transparency in Lake Taihu could be reflected by simulating suspended solid concentration (SSC). Measured data showed that the changes of SSC with wind speed were similar at different water depths.SSC increased with the increasing of wind speed. Both wave and lake current of Lake Taihu had positive relations with SSC. However, wave was the main factor affecting sediment suspension, while flow took the second place. In this study, a numerical model coupling lake current, wave and SSC of Lake Taihu was developed. In the SS model, the combined effects of wave and current were included.The amounts of suspended and deposited sediments near the lake bed surface layer were treated separately. The stochastic characteristics of turbulent flow pulsation near lake beds were also considered, and the start-up conditions of sediment suspension were introduced to the model. The model elucidated the mutual exchange processes between sediment particles in SS and active sediments within and on the bed surface layer. Simulated results showed that lake current had relatively significant effects on the SSC at littoral areas of Lake Taihu, while SSC at the central area of the lake was mainly influenced by wave. The changes of transparency with SSC were simulated for Lake Taihu using this model. Calculated results were validated by measured data with good fitness, which indicated that the model is basically suitable for the simulation and prediction of transparency of Lake Taihu.
PANG Yong, LI Yiping & LUO Liancong College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China
Nutrient fluxes induced by disturbance in Meiliang Bay of Lake Taihu被引量:8
A wave flume experiment was conducted to study nutrient fluxes at water-sediment interface of Meiliang Bay under different hydrodynamic conditions. The results reveal that hydrodynamics has remarkable effects on nutrient fluxes in this area. With a bottom wave stress of 0.019 N m-2 (equivalent to disturbance caused by wind SE 5-7 m s-1 at the sediment sample site of Meiliang Bay), the fluxes of TN, TDN and NH4+-N were separately 1.92× 10-3, -1.81 × 10-4 and 5.28× 10-4 mg m-2 s-1(positive for upward and negative for downward), but for TP, TDP and SRP, the fluxes were 5.69 × 10-4, 1.68 × 10-4 and -1.29 × 10-4 mgm-2 s-1. In order to calculate the released amount of nutrients based on these results, statistic analysis on the long-term meteorological data was conducted.The result shows that the maximum lasting time for wind SE 5-7 m s-1 in this area is about 15 h in summer. Further calculation shows that 111 t TN, 32 t NH4+-N, 34 t TP and 10 t TDP can be released into water (the sediment area was 47.45% of the whole surface area), resulting in concentration increase of 0.025, 0.007, 0.007 and 0.002 mg L-1 separately. With stronger disturbance (bottom wave stress is 0.217 N m-2 which is equivalent to disturbance caused by wind SE 10-11 m s-1 at the same site), there has been significant increase of nutrient fluxes (1.16× 10-2, 6.76×10-3, 1.14× 10-2 and 2.14× 10-3 mgm-2 s-1 for TN, DTN and NH4+-N and TP). The exceptions were TDP with flux having a decrease (measured to be 9.54× 10-5 mgm-2 s-1 ) and SRP with flux having a small increase (measured to be 5.42 × 10-5 mgm-2 s-1). The same statistic analysis on meteorological data reveal that the maximum lasting time for wind SE 10-11 m s-1 is no more than 5 h. Based on the nutrient fluxes and the wind lasting-time, similar calculations were also made suggesting that 232 t TN, 134.9 t TDN, 228 t NH4+-N, 42.7 t TP, 2.0 t TDP and 1.1 t SRP will be released from sediment at this hydrodynamic condition resulting in the concentration increases of 0.050, 0.029, 0.049, 0
LUO Liancong, QIN Boqiang, ZHU Guangwei, SUN Xiaojing, HONG Dalin, GAO Yajun & XIE Rui Nanjing Institute of Geography & Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, China
通过波浪水槽试验,研究了不同水动力扰动条件下太湖梅梁湾水-沉积物界面的营养盐通量.结果发现,水动力扰动对该通量的影响很大,在中等扰动强度下(水底波切应力为0.019 N.m^(-2),相当于梅梁湾中部夏季盛行风-东南风风速5~7 m.s^(-1)),TN,DTN和NH_4^+-N的通量分别为1.92×10^(-3),-1.81×10^(-4)和5.28×10^(-4)mg.m^(-2).S^(-1)(向上为正,向下为负),而TP,TDP和SRP的通量分别为5.69×10^(-4),1.68×10^(-4)和-1.29×10^(-4)mg.m^(-2).S^(-1).根据对气象资料的统计,夏季5~7m.s^(-1)东南风风速的最大持续时间为15~h,以上述通量和风速持续时间进行计算,太湖底泥区域按水面积的47.45%,将分别有111tTN,32tNH_4^+-N,34tTP和10tTDP进入水体,可分别导致整个太湖水体中相应的平均浓度升高约0.025,0.007,0.007和0.002 mg.1^(-1).当扰动增大时(水底波切应力为0.217 N.m^(-2),相当于梅梁湾中部东南风速10~~11 m·s^(-1)),营养盐通量显著增加,其中TN,DTN和NH_4^+-N分别达1.16×10^(-2),6.76×10^(-3)和1.14×10^(-2)mg·m^(-2)·s^(1-),而TP通量亦大幅度上升,达到2.14×10^(-3)mg·m^(-2)·s^(-1),上述通量的增加幅度均达到一个量级以上.但是,TDP的通量有所减小,其值为9.54×10^(-5)mg·m^(-2)·s^(1-),而SRP虽然存在增加趋势,但其通量值却很小(5.42×10^(-5)mg·m^(-2)·s^(1-).统计结果显示,太湖地区该风速的持续时间不超过5~h.若以5~h计,在上述强扰动情况下,营养盐释放量分别为232tTN,134.9tTDN,228tNH_4^+-N,42.7tTP,2.0tTDP和1.1tSRP,水体中相应的平均浓度的升高量为0.050,0.029,0.049,0.009,0.0004和0.0002 mg·1^(1-).由此可见,在浅水湖泊中,动力扰动能造成水体中营养盐浓度的急骤升高,虽然在微扰动情况下,有些指标的释放通量出现负值(如DTN和SRP),水底沉积物表现为上述营养盐成分的汇集场所,但沉积物中大多数营养盐成分会随着底泥
水体下行漫射衰减系数(Kd)不仅反映了水质的信息,而且是生物-光学模型中的关键参数,因而受到了广泛的关注。本文基于太湖梅梁湾水下光场的数据,分析了不同波长Kd的波动性随水深的变化特征,结果表明:由于水体表面波的作用,在60 cm以上,Kd随深度呈现较强烈的震荡现象,而到60 cm以下,随着光子的行程增大,介质散射对光场的改变趋于明显,造成该震荡幅度减弱,趋于稳定状态,甚至呈现出光场的渐进态特征。且在0—60 cm的区域,下行漫射衰减系数的波动程度与水体的吸收特性呈现明显的线性相关,即水体的吸收作用突显了表面波的效应。该水体中非藻类颗粒物和黄质具有对短波光强烈吸收的特性,减弱了介质散射使光场漫射比例提高的作用,加强了表面波对水下光场的扰动作用,使得相对长波而言,短波的Kd随水深呈现出相对较大的震荡现象。