Aluminum-rich chondrules (ARCs), which share mineralogic and chemical properties with both Ca, Al-rich inclusions (CAIs) and ferromagnesian chondrules, play an important role in revealing their temporal and petrogenetic relationships. In this work, seven ARCs were found in three ordinary chondrites GRV 022410 (H4), GRV 052722 (H3.7) and Julesburg (L3.6). They contain bulk Al2O3 - 17%-33% and exhibit igneous textures composed of olivine, high- and low-Ca pyroxene, plagioclase, spinel and glass. In situ SIMS analyses show that ARCs have oxygen isotopic compositions (δ18O=-6.1‰-7.1‰; δ17O= -4.5‰-5.1‰) close to ferromagnesian chondrules but far more depleted in 160 than CAIs (δ18O=-40‰; δ17O=-40‰). Most ARCs plot close to the terrestrial mass fractionation (TF) line, and a few between the TF and carbonaceous chondrite anhydrous mixing (CCAM) lines. Plagioclase, nepheline and glass suffered O-isotopic exchanges during the metamorphism processes in the parent body. Spinel, olivine and pyroxene represent the primary O-isotopic compositions of ARCs, and define a fitted line with a slope of- 0.7±0.1. Compared with the results of previous studies, shallower slope as well as more depleted 160 compositions further demonstrates that ARCs in ordinary chondrites are not a simple mixing product of ferromagnesian chondrules and CAIs. Instead, they probably experienced higher-degree oxygen isotope exchange with a δ6O-poor nebular gas reservoir during multiple melting episodes.