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14 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
甘草 ( Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch.)幼苗用 PEG6 0 0 0 ( -2 .5 Mpa,-1 .5 Mpa)模拟干旱处理 ,测定了 4 d中叶的 MDA含量、膜相对透性及几种保护酶 ( SOD、POD、ASP、CAT)活性变化情况。结果表明 :-2 .5 Mpa胁迫下 ,MDA含量总体呈上升趋势 ;-1 .5 Mpa胁迫下 ,前两天略有降低 ,至第 4天时 ,上升到与处理前基本持平的水平。细胞膜透性在处理前期下降 ,后期升高 ,低渗透胁迫较高渗透胁迫变化平缓。几种保护酶活性在干旱处理期间都有变化 :POD除第 1天降低外 ,其余几天均呈上升趋势 ;在处理前期 ,SOD活性升高 ,CAT活性下降 ,而在后期其变化为 SOD活性降低 ,CAT活性升高 ;ASP活性变化波动较大 ,-2 .5 Mpa胁迫下 ,第 1、第 3天有两次上升峰 ,第 4天较处理前下降了 1 0 4 .3%。在 -1 .5 Mpa胁迫下的几种保护酶活性变化幅度较小。表明了高渗透胁迫能使膜脂过氧化而引起膜的损伤 ,低渗透胁迫程度对细胞膜脂过氧化及膜的透性影响较小 ,且可能对膜脂过氧化起到一定的防御作用。植物在干旱胁迫下保护酶系统的作用 ,可能是通过它们之间相互协调且保持一个稳定的平衡态而进行的。
在不同土壤水分条件下 ,研究了不同种植密度 (1、10、10 0、10 0 0、10 0 0 0株·m-2 )的春小麦 (TriticumaestivumL .)叶片气孔密度以及气孔分布的变化。结果表明 :不同水分和种植密度不仅影响了叶片的气孔密度 ,而且也影响了其分布。随着种植密度的升高 ,气孔密度增大 ,在 10 0 0株·m-2 时气孔密度达最大值 ;当种植密度从 10 0 0株·m-2 上升到 10 0 0 0株·m-2 时 ,气孔密度下降 ;叶基部气孔数占全部气孔数的比例最大 ,叶尖最小 ,但随着种植密度的增大 ,气孔在叶片上的分布趋向均匀。干旱条件下随种植密度的升高气孔密度及分布的变化趋势与正常水分条件下的一致 ,但趋势更为明显。说明种植密度增大导致的气孔密度和分布的变化很可能是通过影响水分的供应而造成的。
Positive Interactions: Crucial Organizers in a Plant Community被引量:12
For more than a century, ecologists have concentrated on competition as a crucial process for community organization. However, more recent experimental investigations have uncovered the striking Influence of positive Interactions on the organization of plant communities. Complex combinations of competition and positive interactions operating simultaneously among plant species seem to be widespread In nature. In the present paper, we reviewed the mechanism and ecological importance of positive Interactions In plant communities, emphasizing the certainties and uncertainties that have made It an attractive area of research. Positive Interactions, or facilitation, occur when one species enhances the survival, growth, or richness of another. The Importance of facilitation in plant organization increases with ablotlc stress and the relative Importance of competition decreases. Only by combining plant interactions and the many fields of biology can we fully understand how and when the positive Interactions occur.
Dong-Liang ChengGen-Xuan WangBao-Ming ChenXiao-Ping Wei
Effect of Water Deficit on Self-thinning Line in Spring Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Populations被引量:1
Monocultures of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) were grown at overcrowded densities (10 000 and 3 000 plants per m^2) under well-watered and water-stressed conditions to investigate the effects of water deficits on self-thinning. The results showed that density reduction in water-stressed populations was delayed compared with that In well-watered populations. Populations grown In well-watered conditions conformed to the -3/2- power law. Compared with the well-watered condition, there was no significant decrease of the self-thinning line under water-stressed conditions In this experiment, although the rate of average shoot blomass accumulatlon decreased. This result Implied that the exponent of the -3/2-power equation Is not as sensitive as the rate of average shoot blomass accumulation to water stress. Further analysis indicated that, In each density treatment, the lines of the height versus shoot blomass relationships did not differ significantly between the two water conditions. However, the Intercepts of the height versus shoot blomass relationships were greater In the higher-density populations (10 000/m^2) than those In the lower-density populations (3 000/m^2). These results showed that water deficit did not change plant geometry In this experiment. That Is to say, shoot competition for light remains constant at a given blomass, although root competition for water becomes more serious In water deficit conditions. Based on these results and previous reports we propose that, to affect the thinning line slope, changes In symmetric competition are not as efficient as changes In asymmetric competition.
Jing LiuLiang WeiChun-Ming WangGen-Xuan WangXiao-Ping Wei
Vegetation Change and Soil Nutrient Distribution along an Oasis-Desert Transitional Zone in Northwestern China被引量:5
Many studies have focused on soil nutrient heterogeneity and islands of fertility in arid ecosystems. However, few have been conducted on an oasis-desert transitional zone where there is a vegetation pattern changing from shrubs to annual herbs. The goal of the present study was to understand vegetation and soil nutrient heterogenity along an oasis-desert transitional zone in northwestern China. Three replicated sampling belts were selected at 200 m intervals along the transitional zone. Twenty-one quadrats (10 x 10m) at 50m intervals were located along each sampling belt. The vegetation cover was estimated through the quadrats, where both the soil under the canopy and the open soil were sampled simultaneously. The dominated shrub was Haloxylon ammodendron in the areas close to the oasis and Nitraria tangutorum dominated the areas close to the desert. In general, along the transitional zone the vegetation cover decreased within 660 m, increased above 660 m and decreased again above 1 020 m (close to the desert). The soil nutrients (organic matter, total N, NO3^- and NH4^+) showed significant differences along the zone. The soil nutrients except the soil NH4^+ under the canopy were higher than those in open soil, confirming "islands of fertility" or nutrient enrichment. Only a slight downward trend of the level of "islands of fertility" for soil organic matter appeared in the area within 900 m. Soil organic matter both under canopy and in interspace showed a positive correlation with the total vegetation cover, however, there was no significant correlation between the other soil nutrients and the total vegetation cover. We also analyzed the relationship between the shrubs and annuals and the soil nutrients along the zone. Similarly, there was no significant correlation between them, except soil organic matter with the annuals. The results implied that annual plants played an important role in soil nutrient enrichment in arid ecosystem.
Bao-Ming ChenGen-Xuan WangDong-Liang ChengJian-Min DengShao-Lin PengFu-Bo An
用不同浓度HgCl2 、LaCl3 和TEACl (Tetraethylammoniumchloride)处理蚕豆 (Viciafaba)叶片下表皮条 ,发现HgCl2 能显著抑制气孔开闭 ,Ca2 + 通道阻塞剂LaCl3 或K+ 通道阻塞剂TEACl处理也都有一定程度的抑制。三者的作用效果HgCl2 >>LaCl3 >TEACl。用HgCl2 +LaCl3 、HgCl2 +TEACl或HgCl2 +LaCl3 +TEACl处理 ,则气孔开闭运动几乎完全被抑制。表明 :蚕豆气孔运动中 ,保卫细胞胀缩主要是水通道直接参与保卫细胞与叶肉细胞间水流的调节引起的 ,离子通道起间接次要作用 ,二者共同引起保卫细胞体积变化而导致气孔开闭。
Calcium-Mediated Mitochondrial Permeability Transition Involved in Hydrogen Peroxide-Induced Apoptosis in Tobacco Protoplasts被引量:4
In the present study, we focused on whether Intracellular free Ca^2+ ([Ca^2+],) regulates the formation of mltochondrlal permeability transition pore (MPTP) In H2O2-induced apoptosis In tobacco protoplasts. It was shown that the decrease In mltochondrlal membrane potential (△ψm) preceded the appearance of H2O2-Induced apoptosls; pretreatment with the specific MPTP Inhibitor cyclosporine A, which also Inhibits Ca^2+ cycling by the mitochondria, effectively retarded apoptosls and the decrease In △ψm. Apoptosls and decreased △ψm were exacerbated by CaCl2, whereas the plasma membrane voltage-dependent Ca^2+ channel blocker lanthanum chloride (LaCl3) attentuated these responses. Chelation of extracellular Ca^2+ with EGTA almost totally Inhibited apoptosls and the decrease In △ψmInduced by H2O2. The time-course of changes In [Ca^2+]l In apoptosls was detected using the Ca^2+ probe Fiuo-3 AM. These studies showed that [Ca^2+]1 was Increased at the very early stage of H2O2-Induced apoptosls. The EGTA evidently Inhibited the Increase In [Ca^2+]1 Induced by H=O=, whereas It was only partially Inhibited by LaCl3. The results suggest that H2O2 may elevate cytoplasmic free Ca^2+ concentrations In tobacco protoplasts, which mainly results from the entry of extracellular Ca^2+, to regulate mltochondrlal permeability transition. The signaling pathway of [Ca^2+]1-medlated mltochondrlal permeability transition was associated with H2O2-Induced apoptosis In tobacco protoplaete.
Yuan WangJiu-Sheng LinGen-Xuan Wang