The male genitalia of Caryanda cyclata Zheng, 2008 is described. A new species, Caryanda jiangchenga sp. nov. is described and illustrated. The conception of a Caryanda dentata species group is proposed to contain C. dentata Mao & Ou, 2006 and the above two species. Akey to the known species of this C. dentata species group is provided.
Two new species, Caryanda caesinota Mao Li sp. nov. and Caryanda heterochromia Mao Huang sp. nov., are described and illustrated. The concept of the Caryanda nigrospina species group is proposed to contain C. nigrospina Mao, Ren Ou, 2011 and the above two species. A key to the known species of this C. nigrospina species group is provided.
The genus Chlorizeina Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1893 is firstly recorded for China. Two new species, Chlorizeina yunnana sp. nov. and Tagasta nigritibia sp. nov. are reported from China. All specimens are deposited in the Biological Science Museum, Dali University (BMDU).
A new species Oxya trimaculata sp. nov. from Yunnan is described and illustrated. The type specimens are deposited in the Biological Science Museum at Dali University(BMDU).
Two new species, Caryanda cyanonota sp. nov. and C. shuangjianga sp. nov. are described and illustrated. The male genitalia of C amplexicerca Ou, Liu & Zheng, 2007 is complementally described. A new species group of Caryanda ampIexicerca-species group is proposed to contain the above three allied species. A key to the species group is provided. Type specimens are deposited in the Biological Science Museum, Dali University (BMDU), Yunnan Province, China.
The male genitalia of Caryanda aurata Mao, Ren & Ou, 2007 is redescribed. Two new species, C. nigrotibia sp. nov. and C. zhenyuanensis sp. nov. are described and illustrated. The concept of the Caryanda aurata species group is proposed to include these three species mentioned above, as well as C. colourfula Mao, Ren & Ou, 2011. The key to known species of C. aurata species group is provided.