OWL-S是重要的Semantic Web Service描述框架,但缺乏有效的形式化验证工具.Z语言是基于集合论和一阶谓词逻辑的形式化规格说明语言,比OWL-S具有更强的表达力.该文研究基于Z的OWL-S形式化方法,提出从OWL-S到Z规格说明的模型转换规则.基于这些规则,用Z定义OWL-S中概念的形式化语义,并开发了从OWL-S描述到Z规格说明的自动转换工具OWLS2Z.
Model checking techniques have been widely used in verifying web service compositions to ensure the trustworthi- ness. However, little research has focused on testing web services. Based on the research of model checking techniques~ we propose a model checking based approach for testing web service composition which is described by using the web services choreography description language (WS-CDL). According to worldwide web consortium (W3C) candidate recommendation, the WS-CDL specification provides a language for characterizing interactions between distinct web services using XML. Since the behaviors of web service composition are asynchronous, distributed, low-coupled and platform independent, we employ the guarded automata (GA) model for specifying the composition described in WS-CDL and using the simple promela interpreter (SPIN) model checker for detecting the collaborations of web services. Test cases can be transformed from counterexamples generated by SPIN using adequacy criteria. In this paper we apply the transition coverage criterion for generating counterex- amples. To illustrate our approach, we set "E-commerce service system" as an example for demonstrating how test cases can be generated using SPIN for compositions specified in WS-CDL.