Inspired by Speicher's multidimensional free central limit theorem and semicircle families, we prove an in?nite dimensional compound Poisson limit theorem in free probability, and de?ne in?nite dimensional compound free Poisson distributions in a non-commutative probability space. In?nite dimensional free in?nitely divisible distributions are de?ned and characterized in terms of their free cumulants. It is proved that for a sequence of random variables, the following three statements are equivalent:(1) the distribution of the sequence is multidimensional free in?nitely divisible;(2) the sequence is the limit in distribution of a sequence of triangular trays of families of random variables;(3) the sequence has the same distribution as that of {a_1^((i)): i = 1, 2,...}of a multidimensional free L′evy process {{a_1^((i)): i = 1, 2,...} : t≥0}. Under certain technical assumptions, this is the case if and only if the sequence is the limit in distribution of a sequence of sequences of random variables having multidimensional compound free Poisson distributions.
We prove that a surjective map(on the positive cones of unital C^(*)-algebras)preserves the minimum spectrum values of harmonic means if and only if it has a Jordan *-isomorphism extension to the whole algebra.We represent weighted geometric mean preserving bijective maps on the positive cones of prime C^(*)-algebras in terms of Jordan *-isomorphisms of the algebras.We also characterize order isomorphisms and orthoisomorphisms of the projection lattice of the von Neumann algebra of all bounded linear operators on a Hilbert space,answering an open question arisen by Dye.Finally,we give a description for Fuglede-Kadison determinant preserving maps on the positive cone of a finite von Neumann algebra and improve Gaal and Nayak’s work on this topic.
Let B^pΩ, 1 ≤ p 〈 ∞, be the space of all bounded functions from Lp(R) which can be extended to entire functions of exponential type Ω. The uniform error bounds for truncated Whittaker-Kotelnikov-Shannon series based on local sampling are derived for functions f ∈ B^pΩ without decay assumption at infinity. Then the optimal bounds of the aliasing error and truncation error of Whittaker-Kotelnikov-Shannon expansion for non-bandlimited functions from Sobolev classes L/(Wp(R)) are determined up to a logarithmic factor.