OBJECTIVES: To investigate the activity alterations of enzymes in intestine grafts after liver/small bowel transplantation in rats and the relations of these changes to immune rejection of grafts. METHODS: A model of liver/small bowel transplantation (LSBT) was established in closed colony SD and Wistar rats. The activity of enzymes including triphosphatase (ATPase), alkalinophosphatase (AKP), acytelcholinesterase (AchE), oxidesynthase (NOS) and monoamine oxidase (MAO) in bowel grafts was studied histochemically at regular postoperative intervals. RESULTS: The activity of enzymes in the wall of the grafts disappeared eventually in isolated small bowel transplantation (SBT) rats. In contrast, the activity in LSBT rats remained and recovered postoperatively. CONCLUSIONS: The rejection in grafted intestine could be prevented or delayed in LSBT rats. The changes in the activity of enzymes and neurons might be used to detect the rejection and function of the graft.