Most of existing methods in system identification with possible exception of those for linear systems are off-line in nature, and hence are nonrecursive. This paper demonstrates the recent progress in recursive system identification. The recursive identification algorithms are presented not only for linear systems (multivariate ARMAX systems) but also for nonlinear systems such as the Hammerstein and Wiener systems, and the nonlinear ARX systems. The estimates generated by the algorithms are online updated and converge a.s. to the true values as time tends to infinity.
The input uk and output yk of the multivariate ARMAX system A(x)yk = B(z)uk + C(z)wk are observed with noises: uk^ob△=uk + εk^u and yk^ob △=yk+ εk^y, where εk^u and εk^y denote the observation noises. Such kind of systems are called errors-in-variables (EIV) systems. In the paper, recursive algorithms based on observations are proposed for estimating coefficients of A(z), B(z), C(z), and the covariance matrix Rw of wk without requiring higher than the second order statistics. The algorithms are convenient for computation and are proved to converge to the system coefficients under reasonable conditions. An illustrative example is provided, and the simulation results are shown to be consistent with the theoretical analysis.