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6 条 记 录,以下是 1-5
已报道的EMSA和Footprinting试验表明黑曲霉Aspergillus niger T21糖化酶基因glaA启动子区-489~-414bp及-390~-345bp(分别简称为DC,PC)是与蛋白粗提液中同一蛋白因子结合,并均含有CCAAT五核苷酸的序列。对DC,PC在糖化酶表达调控中的作用进行了分析,用CGTAA取代CCAAT,获得突变体DCm,PCm,两者均丧失体外结合蛋白因子的能力。突变体的体内分析结果显示,DC和PC中任何一个发生突变或改变DC,PC在原启动子中的相对方向,则启动子的活性下降到基础表达水平,将多拷贝串联后的DC引入A.niger T21glaA启动子原位,则内源糖化酶的表达和由该启动子引导的外源uidA基因的表达均发生下降,但由构巢曲霉3-磷酸甘油醛脱氢酶启动子PgpdA引导的uidA的表达不受影响,而且EMSA结果表明不等DC拷贝的A.niger转化子中DNA结合蛋白的含量没有明显变化,表明多拷贝DC的引入引起了调控蛋白的滴定效应,从A.niger T21cDNA中克隆到AngHapC基因,将AngHapC基因引入上述含多拷贝DC而糖化酶低表达的A.niger菌株,AngHapC基因的表达使糖化酶的表达量得到明显回升。上述结果表明,DC和PC中CCAAT五核苷酸序列为蛋白因子结合所必需,而且两者必须同时与调控蛋白结合才能发挥促进转录的作用,AngHapC为与DC区域结合的正调节蛋白。
依次通过20%~40%饱和硫酸铵、凝胶过滤、肝素柱层析及DNA亲和层析纯化了黑曲霉糖化酶启动子区CCAAT框DC(-489 bp~-414 bp)结合蛋白(AngCP1)及CCAAT框PC(-390 bp~-345 bp)结合蛋白(AngCP2).凝胶过滤分析和SDS-PAGE结果表明AngCP1和AngCP2的分子质量均约为120 ku,由分子质量为34 ku和50 ku的亚基组成.Western blot显示两者的34 ku亚基均能特异性地与鼠抗AngHapC抗体产生反应,进一步的电泳迁移率实验证实AngCP1和AngCP2为同一蛋白质,称为AngCP.Southwestern blot显示34 ku亚基结合于DC,而50 ku亚基结合于PC,并且34ku亚基与DC的结合能力强于50 ku亚基与PC的结合.上述AngCP具有与DC,PC不等结合强度的特点暗示三者在糖化酶表达调控中有着重要作用.
黑曲霉糖化酶高产菌株T2 1经紫外诱变后 ,通过酪蛋白平板和蛋白酶活性测定筛选出胞外酸性蛋白酶活力仅为原株 0 76 %的菌株A .nigerT2 1 2 0 1,其生长特性和产糖化酶活力与原株基本一致。利用原生质体 PEG法将含有报告基因vhb的表达分泌质粒pGT10 vhb通过与选择标记质粒的共转化导入此蛋白酶部分缺陷株及其原株T2 1,检测在蛋白酶缺陷株AspergillusnigerT2 1 2 0 1和原株T2 1中VHb的分泌表达 ,结果表明在A .nigerT2 1 2 0 1中VHb表达水平显著高于原株 ,但Northernblot却显示在两菌株中vnb基因的转录水平近似 。
Identification of over-expressed genes in human renal cell carcinoma by combining suppression subtractive hybridi-zation and cDNA library array
To isolate the over-expressed genes in human renal cell carcinoma (RCC) and analyze its molecular basis of carcinogenesis, we used the mRNA from human RCC tissues as tester and that from the matched normal kidney tissues as driver to construct the suppression subtractive hybridization library. 379 of the subtracted clones were arrayed onto a nylon mem-brane and the over-expressed genes were then screened by hybridizing the filter with radioac-tively labeled cDNA from RCC and matched normal kidney tissues. 67 clones over-expressed in RCC by a factor of 6 or more were sequenced and its identities were analyzed in GenBank da-tabase. 4 clones were previously unknown fragments and 2 clones represent KIAA genes. The rest clones were the known genes and some of them were RCC-related, including vascular en-dothelial growth factor, vimentin and tissue factor. Most of the known genes were the RCC-related genes previously unknown, including zinc ribbon domain-containing 1 protein (ZNRD1), pituitary tumor transforming gene1 (PTTG1). Northern blot and semi-quantitative RT-PCR confirmed that the mRNA levels of the 3 novel fragments and 1 KIAA and 3 known genes were significantly higher in RCC than in the matched normal kidney tissues. Immunohis-tochemical and Western blot analysis for PTTG1 and ZNRD1 revealed increased protein level in RCC. The over-expressed genes in RCC are the potential molecular targets for diagnosis and therapy and it is very important to understand the molecular mechanism of RCC through the profile of over-expressed genes.
AI Junkui1, ZHANG Zhiwen2, XIN Dianqi1, ZHU Hongjian1, YAN Quanjian3, XIN Zhongcheng1, NA Yanqun1 & GUO Yinglu1 1. Institute of Urology, Peking University & Department of Urology, First Hospital, Peking University, Beijing 100034, China
The synergetic effects of two CCAAT boxes in Aspergillus niger glaA gene promoter on activation of PglaA transcription被引量:1
EMSA and footprinting analyses have revealed that the -489—-414 bp and the -390—-345 bp (designated DC and PC respectively) upstream of the Aspergillus niger T21 glaA gene were bound by one protein factor in the A. niger T21 whole cell extract. Both DC and PC contained CCAAT pentanucleotides. The functions of DC and PC in regulation of expression of glucoamylase (GLA) were studied. CCAAT pentanucleotides were replaced with CGTAA and the mutated DNA fragments DCm and PCm lost the binding activities of protein factors in vitro. In vivo when either DC or PC was mutated or the relative orientations between them were changed on the PglaA, the transcriptional activity of PglaA decreased to a basal level. Introduction of multi-copies of DC into the original site at the PglaA in A. niger T21 decreased the expression of endogenous GLA expression and the exogenous reporter E. coli uidA gene introduced under the PglaA promoter, while having no effect on the uidA gene under the control of PgpdA. EMSA re-vealed that the levels of the specific DNA-binding protein factors in the transformants maintained the same meaning that introduction of multi-copies of DC caused the titration effect. AnghapC gene was cloned from A. niger T21 cDNA and introduced into the DC multi-copied strains. The expression of AnghapC improved the expression of the endogenous GLA and the exogenous gene controlled by PglaA. These results showed that both the CCAAT pentanucleotides were necessary for DC and PC binding to the protein factors, and the simultaneous binding of DC and PC to the protein was necessary for promoting the transcriptional activity of PglaA. AngHapC was the specific positive trans-acting protein factor binding to DC.