文件共享服务是对等网络中的一个重要应用,数据传输速率逐渐取代响应延迟成为影响用户体验的首要因素.文中研究了对等网络中的副本管理算法,这对于提高对等网络应用的可靠性,降低带宽消耗具有重要的意义.为了在广域网络存储系统中加速文件共享并降低网络带宽消耗,文中提出了PLAR(Popularity and Locality-based Adaptive Replication)算法.PLAR采用了基于位置信息和流行度的复本管理算法,该算法还同时引入了混合式的服务器选择策略以及远程增强策略.PLAR算法在文中的Granary对等广域网存储系统中得到了实现.实验表明,通过PLAR算法下载速率平均能提高60%以上,有效提高了共享速度并减少带宽消耗.
The Department of Computer Science and Technology, Peking University, Beijing, China, has shown that a novel Dynamic Memory Map-ping (DMM) model brings about additional flexibility to virtual resource management, leading to the feature-adjustable design of a virtual machine monitor (VMM). The study is reported in Issue 53 (June, 2010) of SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences because of its signifi-cant research value.
Professors Wang and Luo and their group in the Department of Computer Science and Technology,Peking University (PKU),have re cently introduced a new memory virtualization technique called Dynamic Memory Paravirtualization (DMP).
WANG XiaoLin The authors are affiliated to the Institute of Network Computing and Information Systems at Peking University.