The temporal-spatial distribution of mid-small earthquakes in Italy and its surroundings from January 1 to April 5,2009 shows that there were significant foreshocks before the moderate L'Aquila earthquake of April 6,2009.The enhancement of frequency and intensity of small earthquakes and their concentrating tendency to the future main shock have provided a comprehensive case for digging methods of earthquake forecasting with foreshocks.
对2010年2月27日智利近海发生的M8.8级巨震,本文反向投影美国地震台网宽频带台站记录到的远震P波辐射能量,得到地震破裂前缘随时间的变化关系.图像表明,智利.M8.8级强震破裂过程是一次不均匀的双向破裂过程,整个破裂过程持续了近150 s,破裂尺度跨越震中南端80 km,北北东向上近200 km.
The air-gun source has important applications as a new, environmentally, green active source in regional scale deep exploration. In the past, the air gun source was used mainly in smallscale, high-resolution shallow oil exploration, but has a lack of adequate research in deep exploration. In order to study the selection of work parameters and field conditions of the air gun source in deep exploration, this paper does the following work: (1) analyze the characteristics of the air gun source using air gun experiments; (2) simulate the air gun signal and air gun-array signal based on the theory of free bubble oscillation to analyze the influence of bubble oscillation and study the wavelet energy and spectrum characteristics needed in deep exploration; (3) on the basis of theoretical simulation, study the influence of work parameters, such as air-gun capacity, work stress and depth on air gun signal and analyze the influence of air-gun array inspired moment and spacing of different air guns on air gun-array signals; and (4) study energy reflection and transmission coefficients for different underwater interfaces, which is very useful for choosing suitable field conditions.
Long-time cross correlation of ambient noise has been proved as a powerful tool to extract Green's function between two receivers. The study of composition of ambient noise is important for a better understanding of this method. Previous studies confirm that ambient noise in the long period (3 s and longer) mostly consists of surface wave, and 0.25-2.5 s noise consists more of body waves. In this paper, we perform cross correlation processing at much higher frequency (30-70 Hz) using ambient noise recorded by a small aperture array. No surface waves emerge from noise correlation function (NCF), but weak P waves emerge. The absence of surface wave in NCF is not due to high attenuation since surface waves are strong from active source, therefore probably the high ambient noise mostly consists of body wave and lacks surface wave. Origin of such high frequency body waves in ambient noise remains to be studied.