在低功率微波条件下,并采用水循环(20℃)冷却装置,对干酪乳杆菌鼠李糖亚种(Lactobacillus casei subsp.rhamnosus)CICC 6013进行诱变处理,通过对微波辐照功率和微波辐照时间做单因素平行实验,得到最高产酸量为124.15g/L的突变株W4-23,比原始菌株产酸发酵量提高了53.45%,连续遗传8代,产酸性状稳定。研究结果表明,最佳诱变条件为在400W微波功率下辐照20min。
Mutagenesis of Lactobacillus casei subsp, rhamnosus Xl-12 after low power microwave irradiation was investigated. Under a microwave power of 400 W and irradiation length of 3 min, a mutated strain W4-3-9 with high-yield L-lactic acid was obtained by screening. Compared with the starting strain X1-12, the L-lactic acid production of W4-3-9 was increased by 58.0% at a concentration of 115.8 g/L. The strain maintained the capability of producing a high L-lactic acid level after 10 generations. Cell surface morphology and DNA structures of parental and mutated strains were observed by atomic force microscopy ( AFM ). Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis suggested the difference in AFLP band pattern between the mutated and non-mutated strains. Sequencing and BLAST analysis revealed that the catalytic site of lactate dehydrogenase (DHL) was changed due to the microwave induced mutation.