Using the total-Routhian-surface (TRS) method, the rotational behaviors of fission isomers in the second well of actinide nuclei 234-242U, 236-244pu and 238-246Cm were investigated. The pairing-deformation-frequency self-consistent TRS calculations repro- duced reasonably the experimental moments of inertia extracted from spectroscopic data. It is calculated that, in these largely elongated (β2 ≈0.65 and β4≈ 0.03) fission isomers, the ν1/2-[981] neutron and π1/2+[651] proton align simultaneously at rotational frequency hω≈0.4 - 0.6 MeV (corresponding to spin I≈80h), which leads to clear upbending in moments of inertia (MoI's). Our calculations have indicated that the hexadecapole deformation f14 influenced significantly the frequency of the rotational alignment of the proton 1/2+[651] orbit.